Rule 14.1 of the GSJ Rules and By-laws provides that only Players, Umpires, trainers, first aid attendants and runners are permitted on the field (except for those that are provided for under the Development Rules). The rule is clear, unequivocal and will be enforced. The rule has many purposes, one of which is to ensure that the opportunities for potential conflict between non Players is reduced. It is expected that ALL Clubs, Officials, Players and others will not only abide by, but fully support this rule.
Officials, such as coaches, trainers and runners, as well as game officials such as boundary umpires and goal umpires, should also be aware that it is totally inappropriate to make ANY comments to Players. Trainers and runners have specific functions to perform. They are not there to coach on the field. Boundary and goal umpires too must also be aware that they are acting as an official and should not engage with the Players from any club. Such behaviour will be reported and dealt with by the Tribunal or a Code of Conduct Investigations Sub-committee.
Rule 19.5 provides that the HOST Cub must use its best endeavours to ensure the attendance at all games of a First Aid official with current certification as more fully set out in the Rules. Furthermore, rule 19.6 provides that in the event that a First Aid Official is required onto the playing field, the Field Umpire shall stop play at the first opportunity after being so advised and invite the First Aid official onto the field. Again, this rule is clear and must be observed.
Rule 27 is headed Statements. It is a rule that has far reading implications and reach. It provides that Statements on policy, any matter affecting the AFLGSJ, a Regional Committee, Clubs, Players, Officials and Umpires, including the AFLGSJ competitions, may only be made by persons approved by or authorised by the Board to make such statements. Similarly, any Player, Official or other person making a statement injurious or prejudicial to the character or interests of any other Player, Official , Umpire, any other Person, Club, Regional Committee or the AFLGSJ, is to be subject to disciplinary provisions. This includes referral to the Board, the Tribunal or an Investigations Subcommittee. In addition, Clubs may be fined up to $1000 and forfeit future match ratios. It should be noted that this rule applies not only to statements made in the usual way, such as to the press, radio and television, but also includes emails and other forms of statements, as well as comments made on the internet and social media such as Facebook and Twitter. The rules affects all Players and Officials. Again, this is a rule that will be enforced.
Last Modified on 13/06/2011 20:51