Make sure you invite friends, familes, wifes, girlfriends and whoever for this not-to-be missed event.
With hundreds of songs to choose from and over 50 football palyers with nothing better to do than make a fool of themselves, this is bound to be a fun night. Who can forget big Tyson's stirring rendition of "I know what love is" at last year's Karaoke Night.
We're also trying to organise a jumping castle for the kiddies so feel free to bring them along.
The night will follow a day of Seniors and Reserves matches against Spingwood. Thirds have a bye.
So, here's the details
Who: Maroochy Northshore Roos and their friends and family
What: Roos Idol & Surf 'n' Turf Dinner
Why: Because a social club is a happy (and successful) club
Where: Fisherman's Rd Sporting Complex
When: Saturday May 22. Dinner from 6pm. Entertainment from 7pm.
Cost: $10
email for a full song list, to request a song and to RSVP attenddes for catering purposes.
Last Modified on 18/05/2010 14:37