Welcome to season 2010.
We look forward to a fun and successful year for our club again this year. If you know anyone new to the area and think they may be interested in being part of our family friendly sporting club, please do not hesitate to make them feel welcome and bring them along. There are lots of things going on within the club at the moment, so please read on and take advantage of whatever we have on offer. If you are interested in helping and are not sure who to contact, simply reply to this email and I will forward any information on to the appropriate people.
50th Celebrations
The SCSC is turning 50 this year. We are organising a huge get together, so please read the attached flyer. We urgently need help locating past Southies, can you help ???
If you are in contact with any past players, coaches etc.. please forward their contact details to me or, preferably send them a copy of the flyer, so they can arrange a trip back to Clare to join the festivities and take a walk
down memory lane !
SCSC Merchandise
Would you like to purchase some SCSC merchandise ? If you are interested, please see the merchandise section of this website.
Mid North Motor Company Deal
Don Heath at Mid North Motor Co. is a SCSC Sponsor. If you buy a car from Don, tell him you are a SCSC member, player, sponsor, supporter etc and he will donate $100 to our club per vehicle. It is a really simple way for our club to benefit financially so, please do your thing for the club and tell Don you're a 'Southie'.
Wednesday Night - Player Teas
The hunt is on again for someone to take charge of meals for SCSC players after training on Wed. night. In the past we have offered a meal for $10 or less to all senior netball and football players after training. We are looking for someone to organise this, with the first meals available on Wednesday 14th April. In the past 20 - 30 meals are sold each week, and are available from 8pm.
Saturday Night meals
We are looking for helpers on Saturdays from 3.30 pm onwards upstairs in the kitchen to help with the setting up and preparation for meals on our home games. There will be other people working with you who are familiar with the running of the kitchen. Even if you are only interested in helping on one occasion, we would love to hear from you.
Canteen / Cans Bar BBQ Roster
The roster is being prepared at the moment, a copy will be forwarded to you in due course.
A small reminder that all we ask is for your assistance, it is a 2 hour shift once a year. Our club cannot run smoothly without your help. If you cannot help on the day that we have rostered you on, please organise a swap yourself and let the conveynor for that day know what is going on.
It is NOT the conveynors job to organise this for you.
Mini Colts Training
Mini colts training will commence on Wed 31st March at 4pm.
Until the games begin ! All the best , I look forward to your replies and to welcoming lots of new members soon.
SCSC Executive Committee
Last Modified on 02/04/2010 15:10