Marcellina Player of the Month - Rounds 5-8

Voting is now open for the public to decide who the Marcellina Player of the Month is for Rounds 5-8!

*Please note that due to the rescheduled Round 2 game between Raiders and South Adelaide, the winners of Marcellina Players of the Week will be included in next months competition for Marcellina Player of the Month*

Winners of Marcellina Players of the Week for Rounds 5-8 are as follows:

5 Adelaide Blue Eagles Kym Harris
5 Adelaide City Joel Allwright 
5 Adelaide Comets Pedram Sourjani
5 Campbelltown City Kento Hara
5 Modbury Jets  Michael Costantini
5 Croydon Kings Shaun McGreevy
5 MetroStars Steven Grelli 
5 Port Adelaide Pirates  Hikaru Tanaka
5 Para Hills Sherwin Emmanuel
5 Raiders Elvis Kamsoba 
5 South Adelaide Jonathon Rideout
5 West Adelaide Mitchell Nicholson
5 West Torrens Birkalla Julian Torresan
5 White City Joshua Negrean
6 Adelaide Blue Eagles Fortunato Filletti
6 Adelaide City Michael Acton
6 Adelaide Comets Pedram Sourjani
6 Campbelltown City Ian Fyfe
6 Modbury Jets  Timothy Henderson
6 Croydon Kings Michael Doyle
6 MetroStars Rocky Callisto
6 Port Adelaide Pirates  Johnny Mavromatis
6 Para Hills Tim Rams
6 Raiders Elvis Kamsoba 
6 South Adelaide Jonathon Rideout
6 West Adelaide Robin Lippett
6 West Torrens Birkalla Ryan Kitto
6 White City Michael Keens
7 Adelaide Blue Eagles Adam Harris
7 Adelaide City Matthew Halliday
7 Adelaide Comets Pedram Sourjani
7 Campbelltown City Kento Hara
7 Modbury Jets  Tim Henderson 
7 Croydon Kings Nathan Farrell
7 MetroStars Scott Tunbridge
7 Port Adelaide Pirates  Johnny Mavromatis
7 Para Hills Matthew Marchioro
7 Raiders Jackson Stephens 
7 South Adelaide Jonathon Rideout
7 West Adelaide Tony Hatzis
7 West Torrens Birkalla Jordan Watson
7 White City Nikola Mileusnic
8 Adelaide Blue Eagles Matthew Dawber 
8 Adelaide City Matthew Mullen
8 Adelaide Comets John Karatzas
8 Campbelltown City Vasilis Parhas
8 Modbury Jets  Paul Reilly
8 Croydon Kings Rocco Visconte
8 MetroStars Adam Van Dommele
8 Port Adelaide Pirates  Nicholas Mavromatis
8 Para Hills Steven Ward 
8 Raiders Elvis Kamsoba
8 South Adelaide Dylan Torr
8 West Adelaide Nathan Andijanto
8 West Torrens Birkalla Ryan Kitto
8 White City John Atkinson

Vote for who you think should be Marcellina Player of the Month HERE


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