Greater Accra Basketball Association (GABBA) elect New Management Team
The new and awaited official GABBA management team election was finally held on friday 29th January 2009 at the all famouse basketball club house Lebanon House located at the Accra Central.
After minutes of counting the ballot papers, Mr. Benjamin Baafi the current Vice Chairman of the Ghana Basketball Association won the chairmanship for GABBA, followed where other positions included the vice chairman,secretary,and coaches chairman. The GBBA is looking forward to work hand in hand with the new managment team of GABBA to advance basketball in the Greater Accra Region which will include the Greater Accra Basketball League which is due to begin in the coming months, amongst other development and training programmes for the region. The GBBA was pleased with the good representation at the election and hopes other regional basketball groups will follow suit with the Western Basketball Association been amongst one of the well organised regional basketball associations. The 2010 GBBA calendar will soon be released and it will give everyone a complete picture of basketball events and programmes in Ghana for the great year of 2010 amongst the great number of world basketball events such as the World Men & Womens Champions and the Youth Olympics in the summer season.
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