Young Coaches Clinic Day 1

The programme started at 4:30 with the two coaches introducing themselves to the young coaches who had come from near and fare to attend the first clinic organized by the GBBA this year. The weather was perfect for playing outdoor basketball, with the cold wind blowing from the near by sea. 

Day one of the clinic was focused on defense. The coaching instructors touched on the fundamentals and techniques of proper defense with the defense stance been the starting point. The day's defense session was narrowed down to one on one defense with drills including the push and pull movement when sliding on defense with proper footwork, peripheral vision  with both on and off the ball defense, cutting off the passing lane, player positioning when defending the stronger and weakerside,post defense and boxing out. Each drill was performed a number of times to get the coaches used to it. The day's session was ended with a fun drill which all the coaches including the instructor participated in.


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