We have been busily creating Season 2 Competitions, which will start when Lockdown and restrictions allow.

Thank you to all Season 1 Teams ( those who competed in Term 1 and 2) who have entered already. We are nearly there and ask that any Season 1 Teams who have not yet entered and would like to return for Season 2 register as soon as possible (we will then know if we can allow any New Teams waiting to enter our competitions)

All Season 1 Team Managers would have been sent a Team entry Link and should use this link ( please check spam if you have not received) For those Teams who are part of a club, we have been liasing with your club and therefore you do not need to enter.

Currently our Website Team entry options are not open and the Link emailed should be used

A reminder also that our Competitions are School grades and Players should not be in a higher school grade than the competition indicates e.g a School grade 4 Player can not compete in our Grade 3 competition. 

As our offices are still closed and phones unattended please email: if you have any enquiries

Keep safe and look forward to seeing everyone back on the courts



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