Anzac Day Clash - Rockets Premier League Women v Centrals at Hillcrest Stadium

With the same strong starting five as Friday night’s match, Rockets started strongly against the Lions. Shannon Mackay opened with a beautiful lay-up, Kirsty followed with a smooth shot and Rockets were scoring well. Sarah and Shannon Tarran were subbed in, followed by Georgia and Courtney, who all played their role and contributed well. Taylor joined them and her height was an advantage for several rebounds and the starting five were given a rest as Ana stepped onto the court and at quarter time Rockets were leading comfortably 34 to 7.

They all were contributing well, executing practiced plays and Sarah made a terrific steal and completed it with a nice lay-up. At half time, the score was 59 to 14. The leading scorers were Opal 11 and Shannon 11.

All bench players were rotated through and given the chance to show their stuff. Lauren, Jo and Opal had all played their part too, so could have a break. At three quarter time the score was 81 to 23.

In the fourth quarter more great teamwork was displayed, with many unselfish assists. Lauren scored with 4 minutes to go bring the score into 3 figures! Taylor and Georgia continued to play strongly and the final score was 111 to 36.

The last post was then played and the oath repeated to honour our ANZACs and all those who have served our country.

Shannon Mackay deservedly was awarded the Spirit of ANZAC Medal. The top scorers were Shannon 19, Opal 15 and Kirsty 13. Top assist was Kirsty 7 and top rebounders was Jo with 9

See you all on Sunday afternoon at 3:15 pm

April Johnston


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