History of North Adelaide Basketball Club

A note from Ray Girvin


I have recently retired and with a lot of spare time on my hands, am looking for a project or two to get involved in. After a few discussions with David Durant (VP Basketball), I thought I would try collating whatever information we have on the history of the North Adelaide Basketball Club in an effort to get one digital document that is as accurate as possible, ideally available via the club website. I am thinking this will start with a few pages (organised chronologically) and expand as information becomes available. 


As part of my process I am asking for your help. Do you have any memorabilia, maybe a photo, a team list, an old “Hang Time” magazine that lists players or events of your era, minutes of a meeting or maybe just your recollection of events during your involvement that might help me piece this all together. As an example if you were involved with either of the ABA teams, what were the player’s names, who was the coach, who won the trophies, who was the team manager, and where did the team finish?If you served on a committee, who else was involved and where there any major NABC events that happened in your time ?


Ideally anything you have can be scanned and emailed to me, (rgirvin@bigpond.net.au) but if not then I am happy to arrange to pick it up, scan the item and if required get it back to you.


I have no idea of the scope of this, so level of detail is yet to be decided. But I am thinking that from a Junior perspective it will not be possible to include every nominated team, (we would be talking thousands of pages), so am thinking (from a junior perspective) maybe Premiership teams at this stage, or teams that won premierships at say Classics, National Club Championships or the like. I would also be very interested in details on individuals who represented the State or even Australia, or who went to College?


I am also thinking at some stage I may need to interview people to get some stories on specific events during their involvement which may help tie different eras together. If this is something you think you may be able to help with and you are happy to be involved then just let me knowand I will arrange to come and have a chat.


If there is anything you can help with can I ask that you initially send me an email with your contribution. I just need to be wary of the volume of information I may receive and how I might be able to handle this in the meantime. I can chat to you if I need more detail.


Oh, one last thing, if you know of someone who may be able to help and is not likely to see this, ask them to email me or if you are comfortable, please pass their details onto me (preferably email) and I will see if they have anything to contribute.


I look forward to hearing from you.


Ray Girvin


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