The President of BFPNG extends sincere gratitude to all participants of the 2024 All Stars National

Port Moresby - The All-Stars National Basketball Championship culminated with great success as 25 teams competed in both the 3x3 and traditional 5x5 basketball competitions. Kudos to NSBL Kemele for their impressive 51-point victory over Mt. Hagen 34 in the Men's division, and their commendable 37-point lead over Epare Kuare in the Women's division.


President David Peter, on behalf of the Basketball Federation of PNG would like to convey our sincere gratitude to the organizations whose contributions made the basketball event a resounding success. Kumul Mineral Holding Ltd generously donated K157,100, and we are grateful for their support. We would also like to express our appreciation to the Goroka Basketball League (GBL) for presenting K20,000.00 through the Eastern Highlands District Development Authority (DDA). Additionally, we acknowledge the valuable support given by Hon. Kinoka Hotune Feo, MP - Higher Education Research Science Technology & Minister for Sport; The National Sports Institution through the PNG Sports Foundation, 3KW construction ltd; Digicel PNG and Coca Cola Ltd.                                                                                                              We were privileged to have Mr. Charles Abel, our esteemed patron, provide his leadership and guidance.


“I would like to express my sincerest gratitude to all the associations, teams, sponsors, technical officials, and other contributors who played an instrumental role in the success of the recent national championship held in Goroka on behalf of the Basketball Federation of PNG. Without your invaluable support, this event would not have been possible.”


The event marked a significant milestone for the Federation, as it was the first time the All-Star Basketball Tournament was hosted outside of Port Moresby. The federation is devoted to promoting basketball of the highest standard in the country and is enthusiastic about providing an inclusive and safe experience for all participants.


“The hard work, dedication, and passion displayed by everyone involved in the tournament was truly impressive, despite facing some logistical and technical challenges. I personally gained a lot of experience from my first time in this role and am determined to continue learning and improving. “-President, David Peter.


“I would particularly like to acknowledge the contributions of the technical officials, team managers, coaches, and sponsors who have gone above and beyond to assist us. I also extend my heartfelt thanks to Mr. Muri and Goroka Basketball Association for their unwavering support – Peter added.


Our forthcoming tournament will cover four regions, culminating in a national championship event where elite teams will assemble at a central location. Socializing expression of interest among our member affiliates to host the championships internally in the middle of next year, coinciding with our Annual General Meeting.

The All-Stars National Basketball Championships serves as a crucial selection pathway for upcoming international events in the coming year. The Tournament successfully achieved its primary objective of promoting the growth of basketball and encouraging community participation. The event provided an engaging and enriching experience for all stakeholders involved.


President David Peter said – “Our upcoming strategic plan will focus on transitioning from amateur to semi-professional basketball, and we are counting on your continued support to help make this possible. I am committed to the development and growth of our sport and will need the assistance of all of you to achieve our goals.”


The All-Stars National Basketball Championships serves as a crucial selection pathway for upcoming international events in the coming year. The Tournament successfully achieved its primary objective of promoting the growth of basketball and encouraging community participation. The event provided an engaging and enriching experience for all stakeholders involved.



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