Announcement of 3x3 train-on squad for upcoming International events in 2025

With still a huge number to cut down from, early this week, we announced the first trim-down of the train-on squad for the upcoming 3x3 events.

These includes the FIBA Asia Cup Qualifiers 2025 in Singapore for our senior 3x3 team scheduled for March 26th, and later in July for the Under 23’s, who will be participating in the 2025 Mini pacific games in Palau.

Exciting, urban and innovative, 3x3 is inspired by several forms of streetball played worldwide and is considered the world’s number one urban team sport. Steered by FIBA, games see two teams of three players face off on a basketball half-court.

This will be our second appearance in the Asia Cup Qualifiers, since 2022 where our womens’ team finished 19th and the mens’ at 25th. Also, we will be sending our under 23 team to participate in the 12th Pacific Mini Games which, will be held in KororPalau from 25 July to 4 August 2025.

This has been an exciting journey so far and the first of its kind in making our selection more inclusive and transparent as ever, with our team travelling to four regions last year; and inviting the best of the best from the four regions to contest for a spot for representation, before the festive seasons last year, hence the announcement of the team. Moreover, overcoming logistics barriers means for us to identify and engage with proactive coaches to work with, selected athletes in their respective areas as satellite coaches while providing on-going daily updates to Head-coach Nick Doroa.

The squad selection process has been thorough, with each athlete's physical, technical, and mental fitness evaluated alongside their personality and social skills.

This meticulous approach enabled us to identify top-performing athletes and design effective training strategies within our training system. The selection panel consisted of both an independent committee and members of the BFPNG executive committee.

BFPNG actively and enthusiastically promotes basketball while driving community involvement, making it an exceptional opportunity for all involved.

BFPNG and FIBA are dedicated to fostering the development of 3x3 basketball in the region and empowering proficient young athletes, coaches, and referees to achieve their utmost potential.


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