Port Moresby – The FIBA plus team and consultants recently visited Port Moresby to work with Basketball Federation of PNG (BFPNG) and its stakeholders to develop the strategic plan for basketball in PNG.
The president for BFPNG said, he saw the need for a plan for when he resumed office 4 month ago and reached out to stakeholders including FIBA for support in developing plan and FIBA responded positively after assessing our request. He further said that having a good plan is a cornerstone for the growth and development of basketball in the country thankful of the support provided by FIBA.
FIBA mentioned that PNG is one of the very few countries out of 188, Countries in the world to receive this assistance this year.
The three days, workshop successfully developed a comprehensive strategic plan with key stakeholders to set the direction of basketball in the country. Number of stakeholder consultations and reviews of key documents have been done in the last couple of months and this works will use the findings of these consultations to develop a clear, goals with key action items.
FIBA Oceania Partnerships Manager, Siale Bain-Vete “We are very grateful to the President of BFPNG, the Board and key staff for the warm welcome and for kindly hosting our team.
The president further stated that the plan has to reflect the development needs and aspirations of PNG given its unique opportunities and challenges. He further emphasised that we cannot do everything, we can only do few things, and those few things have to be based on agreed and shared and agreed vision. FIBA, as the global governing body for basketball.
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