PNG BASKETBALL - Safe Sports Day

The Basketball Federation of Papua New Guinea are clearing the path for everyone to have a safe, positive, and enjoyable experience.

We are pleased to report that we have our very own safeguarding policy that complies with the following;

  • The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child
  • The Universal Declaration of Human Rightsis
  • The PNG lukautim Pikinini Act 2015
  • The PNG National Policy for Women and Gender Equality 2011-2015
  • The PNG National Policy on Disability

Following the regional safeguarding workshop held last year, in Fiji.

The Basketball Federation of PNG has a duty of care to safeguard everyone involved in our activities from harm.

Safeguarding in sports means making sure everyone is safe and included. In basketball, this means our activities provides everyone with a fair chance to play. These lessons go beyond the sport and show us there’s never any excuse for abuse.”

Being safe from harm and abuse in sport is everyone's responsibility, and safeguarding is crucial in this effort.

As part of our commitment to staff professional development, we are appreciative of the opportunity to collaborate with other sports in the Pacific through the Team Up programme and to support better, safer, and more inclusive play for women, girls, and children with disabilities through workshops.

The PNG Basketball Federation's Basketball for Good programme is now a reality thanks to support from FIBA and funding provided by Team Up via the Australian Government.




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