Modelling good behaviour through the Mi Pikinini Meri Hoops

De La Salle, Bomana - By providing girls of all ages with meaningful opportunities to participate, the Mi Pikinini Meri Come and Try Hoops is changing the game. It begins with teaching game-based drills that emphasise basketball principles and reinforce positive conduct.

"After the last three sessions, we have had some parents and guardians come up to share with us the good behavioural change in their daughter's daily routine," says Ms. Del Koime, the female engagement lead. And that's what we want to see and encourage—that is, families supporting their daughters and allowing them to participate—is what the program aims for, she continued.

To confront societal change and normalise conversations that arise from strongly held cultural and social conventions, the program harnesses the power of basketball.

The program is delivered at the Bomana De La Salle basketball court and takes place on six Saturdays, that is, May 4, May 8, May 11, May 25, June 1, and June 8. With collaboration assistance from the PNG Lasallian Family's national coordinator, who plans and coordinates the program's implementation.

Ever since the Mi Pikinini Meri Come & try Hoops program was introduced, it has been a very beneficial team-building opportunity for individuals, families, and communities.

Ms. A'aliyah Waru, a third-year DBTI student with mixed parentage from Western and East Sepik provinces, said she and her seven-year-old younger sister, Benedine, are thrilled to be taking part in the program and are looking forward to learning new basketball skills.

“She's only seven, so she's just trying to get everything going. She has been practicing what she learned from the coaches, in the afternoon and has been requesting that we buy her the ideal shoes so that she can work out on Saturdays. I hope she becomes a terrific basketball player, Ms. Waru continued."She can become great by training and learning basketball skills at a very young age."

The Basketball for Good, Mi Pikinini Meri hoops, has been a reality thanks to the Australian Government through TEAM UP Programs and support from FIBA Oceania.






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