PORT MORESBY – The Basketball Federation of Papua New Guinea is pleased with the number of responses received from interested coaches in PNG to participate in the upcoming FIBA Introduction to Youth Coaching.

The "Fundamentals of Youth Basketball Coaching" online series is part of the learning opportunity designed to improve coaching skills and empower the next generation of basketball stars.

The goal of the online course is to give youth basketball coaches the abilities and information they need to properly mentor and develop young players, and have access to online resources and continuous assistance.

"38 coaches have applied and I am happy to say that they have all been selected to partake in this astounding online course," stated Mr. Lapan, Executive Officer of the Basketball Federation. He went on, "Coaches will receive insightful analysis and useful tactics from top coaches in Australia and New Zealand through this programme."

Game-based strategies, planning exercises, safe and effective instruction, movement and control, the development of individual abilities, team offence and defence, and game coaching will all be covered in this online course.

The online video conferencing format of the workshops will facilitate engaging discussions and Q&A sessions aimed at improving coaching skills and expanding professional networks.

Coaches may easily learn and advance in their coaching careers while having a big influence on the growth of young basketball players through this wonderful learning opportunity, according to Mrs. Emma Waiwai, President of the Basketball Federation of PNG.

Empowering national federations is one of FIBA Oceania's strategic priorities for 2023–2027, and the workshop fits into this goal.





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