Mi Pikinini Meri Hoops set for tip off

Port Moresby ~ Set to tip off this Saturday is the Basketball for Good Mi Pikinini Meri Hoops.

The program is delivered by the Basketball Federation of PNG [BFPNG Here on] through its Basketball for Good program, creating a safe space to encourage females of all ages to learn basketball while promoting leadership, teamwork, and good sportsmanship.

President of the Basketball Federation of PNG - Mrs. Emma Waiwai said, “This is an approved program in our 2024 Basketball calendar; which will be the third year of the program since it initially started.”

"By providing chances for women and girls, the program fulfills one of BFPNG's priority areas, which is supported and recognized by TEAM UP and FIBA Oceania programs” – Waiwai Added.

The Mi Pikinini Meri Hoops” will run from May 4th, 11, 18, 25, June 1, and 8th, in collaboration with the La Salle Family in PNG, at Bomana outside Port Moresby.

PNG Basketball For Good -content and Female Engagement Lead, Ms. Del Koime Said, “Through this program, we hope to boost the number of female players, referees, coaches, officials, and Basketball administrators. It's more than just BASKETBALL.

The program has been a reality thanks to thy Australian Government through TEAM UP Programs and support from FIBA Oceania.



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