Basketball PNG sees increase in affiliations for 2024

Port Moresby - With pleasure, the PNG Basketball Federation announces an increase in member affiliations for the current year, 2024.

"We had support from the ADF and FIBA in facilitating the level 0 start coaching and officiating workshop, representation at the national and international level, build relationships, foster communities, create culture, and not to mention, having good governance and leadership at the executive board," stated Mr. Miskus Lapan, Executive Officer of the Basketball Federation. "It was an all-around approach to reach this outcome," Lapan added.

Compared to previous years, there are thirty-four [34] affiliated basketball associations throughout the nation this year.

Aiyura Basketball Association; Alotau Basketball Association; Arro Basketball Association; Daru Basketball Association; EMK Basketball Association; Enga Basketball Association; Epare Koare Basketball Association; Gerehu Basketball Association; Goroka Basketball Association Imbouggu Basketball Association; Kavieng Amateur Basketball Association; Kavieng Basketball Association; Kearu Basketball Association; Kewabi Basketball Association; Kikori Urban Basketball Association; Kokopo City Basketball Association; Kumapi Basketball Association; Lae Basketball Association; Lakwaharu BBA; Madang Town Basketball Association; Mare Basketball Association; Momohobo Basketball Association; Mt Hagen Basketball Association; NBL; Northern Mainland Basketball League (NMBL); National Souths Basketball League; NSBL Super League; PMBL; PNG Basketball League; POMBA; POMWBL; Port Moresby Elite Basketball (PEB); University of Papua New Guinea Basketball Association; and finally, Walium Basketball Association.

Under the leadership of Ms. Emma Waiwai, the President of the PNG Basketball Federation, the organisation is poised to elevate the game in PNG and looks forward to collaborating closely with its member associations.

FIBA Oceania, the Papua New Guinea Olympic Committee, the Papua New Guinea Sports Foundation, and the Australian Government for their continuous assistance through the Team Up Programme are all greatly appreciated by the Basketball Federation.


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