International coaches boost team PNG Skills
The Basketball Federation of Papua New Guinea (BFPNG) ran a two-day (26-27 August) High Performance Training Camp at the Taurama Aquatic Indoor Center in Port Moresby that concluded on Sunday. BFPNG in partnership with FIBA Foundation supported by the Australian Government through their Pacific Aus and Team Up programs to facilitate this training camp, that also included inviting along two high-profiled coaches from Australia to help facilitate the program. Carrie Graf and Marcus Cusinato are both well-versed with the code of basketball as both are former players themselves. Graf and Cusinato are here to help the women’s and men’s teams respectively by working alongside their coaches, Moi Muri (men’s) and Dia Muri (women’s) and polish up on some of the skills that they lack before the upcoming Pacific Games at the end of the year. Both visiting coaches agree that the PNG Team is the smallest squad, in terms of their heights as opposed to other island country players. “It’s a pretty small team and Fiji and Cook Islands are much bigger and so we are working on specific things defensively to try and counteract those teams’ size,” said Graf
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