Daroa Continues Leadership of Basketball in Papua New Guinea
Mr. Nick Daroa will continue in his role as President of the Basketball Federation of Papua New Guinea (BFPNG), following the election of Executive’s at Saturday’s Annual General Meeting held in Port Moresby.
Joining Mr. Daroa on the new BFPNG Board will be Ms. Karo Lelai (Vice President), Ms. Ms. Noreen Gugumi (Treasurer) & Ms. Saskia Ani (Secretary).
Ms. Lelai transitions into the Vice-President role after serving as BFPNG Secretary for the last 4-years. Ms. Gugumi, an Accounting Manager, brings a wealth of financial expertise to the Federation as Treasurer and as a former BFPNG Secretary, Ms. Ani also brings previous BFPNG Board-level experience.
Mr. Daroa said he was thrilled about continuing on for a second term as BFPNG President and was enthusiastic about continuing with the sports growth.
“I am very thankful to our affiliates for putting their confidence in me and the other elected Executives to keep driving the sport of Basketball forward,” Mr. Daroa said.
“It’s a very exciting time for BFPNG. We have a new strategic plan which our Federation will be implementing over the next three-years and by working in close collaboration with our affiliated association’s, we are in a tremendous position to take the game to levels not seen before in this country.”
For more information please contact BFPNG Chief Executive Officer Joel Khalu on khalujoel@gmail.com.
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