2014 Under 19 Pick-A-Thon Fundraiser

The American Samoa Basketball Association coordinated with the Under 19 national team to hold a fundraiser to help the team travel to Suva, Fiji for the 2014 Under 19 Youth Qualifications Tournament that will be held from December 1 - 6. The fundraiser will help the team purchase uniforms, airfare & other items. The pick-a-thon fundraiser is also part of the ASBA committment to give back to the community. The fundraiser is also a way to help beautify the community. The team started picking up trash alongside the main road from the old Bank of Hawaii in Tafuna to Lion's Park in which started at 6AM on Saturday September 20, 2014.

President of ASBA, Milton Taufa'asau, was happy to see the kids turn up in the early morning and are committed to the team. He also points out and reminds the team that this is part of team buidling and character. It movtivates the individual to be a better person & hopefully a leader. The Under 19 team resumes training on Monday to Saturdays until the team leaves in November.


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