Coaching Modules

If you are wondering whether you should proceed to attain your Community Coach Award 1 (CCA1), then just read the following testimonial from Melissa Love:

'I completed the Community Coach Award, Level 1, several years ago.  I didn’t know what to expect, but found it really useful.  I had coached for several years prior to that and had played for many, but I wanted something structured, to learn new things, and to hopefully reaffirm some of what I was doing – it provided all that and then some.  You’ll find once you start, you’ll come across familiar faces as you work through the modules and you’ll find yourself in a little network of like-minded folk, sharing ideas and generally supporting each other.  So if you’re new to coaching or been around a while but interested in the latest ideas, I absolutely recommend attending the CCA modules.  If you start this month, you could receive your award before the season starts!'

Please see the attached Coaching Modules booklet and registration form attached.