Please take the time to read this message. I am aware there is a lot of information but it is all important and relevant for the season ahead.
I have completed the fixtures schedule and this is attached (see bottom of this message for attachments). I will send each club a separate note with an extract of your fixtures onto one worksheet for each club, which I produced as part of my cross-checking. The separate note should help you identify your potential clashes and enable you to start to plan alternatives at an early stage.
General comments
- The schedule is not perfect but I have managed to meet the significant majority of your requests for scheduling. With one exception (in week 1), I have avoided all Dartford Mens NVL fixtures to the end of March.
- There are a few hotspots in the schedules, which teams will need to work around. I tried a couple of other combinations of teams in the fixture mappings, but these just threw up more hotspots (and at a later stage of the season, which is far from ideal).
- The schedule is spread evenly: 7 rounds in the 3 months up to Xmas and 7 in Jan – March 2019. Skewing the balance towards 2019 would have resulted in more clashes with NVL programme for the Ladies division in the second half of the season.
- There are a couple of spare weeks allocated to Phase 1 for the Premier division schedule: 6th and 20th January (weeks 8 & 9), which can be used for any sweep-up which might be necessary. But please don’t look to use them up for any potential reschedules from the early weeks!
- Premier division Phase 1 will close on 21st Jan so I can prepare the Phase 2 schedule.
- As ever, please try to help the teams with NVL commitments by being flexible with fixture requests and try to make contact well ahead of schedule to give them a chance to confirm availability.
- Unfortunately, CCCU are not yet in a position to enter a team into the foundation league, but may look for some friendlies throughout the season, once they have got themselves up and running.
As was agreed at the AGM, the format for the Premier division this season will be slightly different to last:
- Each team plays each other once in Phase 1 = 7 matches each in total.
- League Points earned in Phase 1 will carry over into Phase 2.
- Reward points (and any additional league points already awarded) will also carry over from Phase 1 to Phase 2.
- In Phase 2, the top 4 teams in the league table at the end of Phase 1 will play each other one more time (the reverse fixture). Those teams will be playing for places 1 to 4 in the Premier division for the season.
- The bottom 4 teams at the end of Phase 1 will also play each other once more (again, the reverse fixture). These teams will be playing for 5th to 8th positions in the Premier division.
A few further reminders for you:
1. Please remember that fixtures are to be played in the week specified in the schedule. If a fixture is re-arranged between 2 teams by mutual agreement, then please remember that you must inform me (KCVA Rule 6). This applies to fixtures which are ‘postponed/delayed’, of course. If, by agreement, you play the match earlier than in the schedule, then please just go ahead and do that – no need to tell us (just send in the result!)
If you identify a hotspot in the fixture programme, please try to play the match ahead of the scheduled slot wherever possible, rather than delay/postpone it.
2. Please remember that if you do not play a match in the scheduled week, and do not advise the Committee of the reasons why (Rule 6 again), the fixture may be declared null and void. I will again be monitoring how the fixture programme is being kept on track, and intend to send e-mail reminders where results appear to be missing.
3. Cup matches will be played during April / May 2019, with Finals Day likely to be during May, 2019. Details to follow in the New Year.
4. The first fixture week is week ending Sunday 23rd September 2018. Please start looking to organise your first matches now. If anyone wishes to play matches ahead of that time, please go ahead and do so.
5. I do not yet have any details of the SEVA tournament for 2019. I anticipate being asked about SEVA nominations during March 2019. As in previous years, I will make nominations based on League positions at a fixed point (yet to be determined but likely to be the close of leagues, no later than 31st March), so please make sure there are no missing results which might mean you miss out on a potential nomination.
6. Please remember that all results must be e-mailed through to me at AND to Graham Goodwin at the day after the match takes place.
Please take a scanned copy of the scoresheet (or try to get a decent quality copy on your camera/phone). Please do not wait until you have a collection of results to send in - send them individually, straight after the match. I will be putting the results and updated league tables on this site as regularly as I can.
7. Please remember that there is a checklist (attached and uploaded to the KCVA website – see Competitions tab, Stationery sub-menu) which I would ask you to ensure you complete at every match. This will help to ensure that the information which we (Results secretaries) need from a scoresheet is actually there (based on common errors seen in the past). I don’t need it to be emailed along with the scoresheet but please make sure you use it.
Please also check the quality of the photo / scan of the scoresheet prior to sending to the Results secretaries. If you can’t read it very well, we won’t be able to, either!! We don’t want to have to return poor quality scoresheets marked “fail / cannot read – please resubmit”
8. Please also remember that MVPs must again be completed for each match, including the Foundation League. This needs to be written in the Remarks section of the scoresheet, and must be in the format: “Strood choose player: name + KCVA registration number”. One player to be chosen for each team. Please make sure you write out the names clearly on the scoresheets.
9. Please remember that you must advise the Away team of a fixture at least 2 weeks ahead of the match taking place [ KCVA Rule 7 (a) ]
10. The portal for Affiliation to Volleyball England for the period from 1st August, 2018 is already open on the VE Website. Please let me have a copy of your Affiliation certificate before the first KCVA fixture week of the season.
11. I will send an email to each team to let them know entry fees to be paid this season. Please ensure these are paid by 30th September 2018.
12. Please also remember that the new registrations documentation comes into force this season, as approved at the AGM in July. A specimen of the new Team Sheet is attached. A Team Sheet needs to be handed to the scorer at the start of the warm-up period. Simply save a copy of the specimen and update it with your team members’ details (names in shirt number order, please, as this is the order in which they are to be entered on the spreadsheet).
Hand-written lists are, of course, acceptable, but why not save yourself some time on match day by printing off a ‘master’ copy and simply striking out the names of the players you know will not be present at the match, before handing it to the scorer?
13. Please send a Registration List to Graham Goodwin. One for each team within your club, please. Any ladies wishing to play for a Mens team must be listed on that Mens team registration sheet. Graham will produce the new-style Team Rosters, once he receives the registration form(s) from you.
Registrations are not required for Foundation league players. But if you wish to use one of your Foundation league players for a Premier or Ladies division fixture, they must go through the registrations process via Graham and be added to the relevant Team Roster. Do it up front if you think it is likely that you may need to use them during the season.
14. Finally, I also attach a list of when I understand clubs/teams will play their home fixtures. If any of these details are incorrect please advise me immediately, so I can re-circulate for clubs to use in their fixture planning. |
- Match schedules – fixture diary and schedule of matches (excel spreadsheet).
- Copy of Home fixture days / times for each club.
- Copy of a results template for those of you who are not able to scan or take photos of the scoresheets. This can be e-mailed to Graham / me – see point 6 above.
- Copy of a scoresheet which is approved for use in Foundation League ONLY
- KCVA Rules as approved at this year’s AGM (updated to reflect the new registrations process / documentation).
- KCVA Scoresheet Checklist
- Team Registration sheet.
- Specimen Team Sheet
Good luck to all for the season ahead. If anyone has any questions, please ask.
Ian Ruddock
Secretary, Kent County Volleyball Association