Fees & Uniform


Club Registration fees are $70.00 per season (2 seasons per year, January - July & July - December with breaks for school holidays). This is subject to change.

Weekly game fees are $7.00, paid to your Team Manager before the game. (These fees are paid weekly, to the centre, by the club Treasurer. For each team playing, it is a $40 weekly Team game fee).

If you choose to pay club registration fees weekly, then $17.00 is payable for the first 7 weeks, then $7.00 for the remainder of the season. ($10 club registration plus $7 game fee)

Email: secretary@redbacksbasketball.com
The Treasurer is available via phone, for any payments or queries etc.
The Secretary, is also available for any queries.

We have Direct Deposit available through Peoples Choice 

BSB -805-050 Account number - 102468219.

Ensure you provide Childs name/team when making a deposit. Please also send an email/SMS with all deposit details for cross-referencing.

Please contact the Club Treasurer for further information.


Club Uniforms are $70.00. (subject to cjhange)

Uniforms can be sold back to the club if in good repair, unless you have had a name put on your Jersey.

Please contact the Uniform coordinator for further information.

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