Persistence Key for Emerging Players

If determination is a key attribute in top athletes and young Skill Acquisition Program (SAP), then Richmond SC player Lewis Mossman and Surf Coast SC player Finn Paton have it in spades.

Lewis and Finn both tried out for the SAP four times before they finally made the squad, taking constructive feedback on board each time and becoming better players.

Lewis’ mother, Lara, said that his persistence surprised her.

“On his third opportunity to make SAP I wasn't going to bother registering him as I thought, 'why set him up for failure?' He told me no, he wanted to have another go,” she said.

“He didn't make the squad that time, but made it to the final phase of trials. The confidence that gave him was amazing. It taught me that as a parent we shouldn't try to protect our children from failure.”

That confidence gave Lewis a real boost and he managed to make the squad on his next attempt.

FFV Talented Player Development Manager Les Bee said that resilience is a key skill for emerging players to possess.

“It a great demonstration of how eventually, resilience pays off. There is no substitution for being persistent,” he said.

“Lewis has obviously gone away and practiced on his own and taken responsibility for his own development, and his efforts have been rewarded.”

The summer SAP program wrapped up last week. Trials will be held for the winter program in 2013 at a later date.


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