Basketball - EVERYONE'S GAME

and facilitated by Nigel Wiggins, was attended by 12 people which is very encouraging. Rollerblaze now plans to host a score bench training course in the next couple of months.

“Basketball Queensland is very proud of our affiliation with Rollerblaze who demonstrate not only an infectious passion for the game but a selfless determination to offer the best for their members. We believe this relationship will demonstrate to the basketball community, be it local associations or providers for athletes with a disability, of the efficiency of sharing resources and the power of unity within the game. This is a very important step in the right direction for basketball and the right people to carry the torch. Basketball Queensland is excited to demonstrate that our game is for EVERYONE", said Stephen Black, Association Services Manager for BQ.

The other very exciting outcome for Rollerblaze will be the addition to our Sporting Pulse website of competition management software.  This software will allow our players to track individual performances and also enforce the concept that wheelchair athletes share the same competitive dreams and put the same effort into achieving their potential as all players.

Results of the pilot will be tracked and reported in the interests of continuous improvement.  Both BQ and Rollerblaze are confident that this MOU is just the beginning of an on-going, responsive and effective connection to everyone's game.
For more information contact Stephen Black, or Lisa Stewart,