Phase 1
The construction of the new Advanced Water Recycling Facility (AWRF).The AWRF was officially opened by Deputy Prime Minister, the Hon. Michael McCormack on 6 April 2018.

The AWRF supplies high quality recycled water for irrigation to selected sites around Parkes. Currently recycled water is being used to irrigate the Parkes Golf Course and the Parkes Race Course, and the scheme will be extended to additional parks and gardens following the construction of a new pipeline.

Phase 2
The construction of a Recycled Water Rising Main, a reservoir, pump stations, and a purpose built pipeline which will deliver  high quality recycled water from the AWRF to select parks, greenspaces, and additional customers around Parkes. The program of works also includes pump stations and a reservoir.

The Recycled Water Rising Main (RWRM) construction commenced in November 2018 and will take approximately 8 months to complete.

Phase 3
The potential expansion of the Recycled Water Rising Main to include additional commercial customers. The implementation of Phase 3 is dependent on demand and financial viability.



5.30pm - 7.30pm
Parkes Golf Club

12.00pm - 1.00pm
Water Treatment Plant Training Room


What is recycled water?

Recycled water is highly treated wastewater that can be reused for agricultural, industrial, or municipal purposes. Parkes' recycled water is produced at the new Advanced Water Treatment Facility (AWRF), which outputs high quality recycled water that is suitable for the controlled irrigation of public open spaces.

How is recycled water produced?

Wastewater generated in our homes and businesses is transported to the new Sewage Treatment Plant by our sewerage network, where it is subject to intensive treatment processes. Once it has been screened, filtered, refined and disinfected, the effluent (treated wastewater) produced at the Sewage Treatment Plant is fit for discharge to Goobang Creek.

However, instead of releasing the effluent to the environment, it is redirected to the AWRF for additional treatment that includes powerful ultra violet and chlorine disinfection.  The AWRF treats wastewater according to the Australian guidelines for water recycling. This ensures our recycled water is safe and suitable for its intended use, and brings Parkes’ water recycling activities up to current regulatory and industry best practice standards.

The Recycled Water Scheme replaces the existing Effluent Reuse Scheme; a long-running program that supplied treated wastewate to irrigate the Parkes Golf Club and Parkes Jockey Club.

What are the benefits of a Recycled Water Scheme?

The Recycled Water Scheme will provide Parkes with a new source of high quality water to be used for irrigation. The concept was developed through extensive community consultation and promises to increase water security by providing an alternative source of water for non-domestic use.

The Recycled Water Scheme will provide Parkes with a new drought-proof water supply, ensuring our parks and green spaces can be maintained during drought, while reducing the demand for treated drinking water.

The Recycled Water Scheme will create a completely new local water source, reducing the need to pump raw water from Forbes and relieving pressure on limited natural water resources.

Why recycle water?

Domestic wastewater comes from greywater generated from showers, washing machines, sinks and drains, as well as blackwater from toilets and kitchens. Contaminating waste makes up less than one percent of wastewater. Over ninety-nine percent of wastewater is water that can be reclaimed and reused.

Ultimately all of our water is recycled through nature. Water is naturally cleaned and purified as it moves through the natural cycle of evaporation, condensation, precipitation, and infiltration. Recycled water schemes use state-of-the-art technology to fast-track the natural water cycle, allowing this precious resource to circulate within the urban water system longer.

Many different water recycling schemes are already in place across the country, helping to preserve our valuable drinking water supplies in an uncertain climate.

Where will recycled water be used?

Parkes recycled water is already being used to irrigate the Parkes Golf Course and the Parkes Racecourse.

The Recycled Water Rising Main is being constructed to deliver recycled water to the following areas:

·         Harrison Park 1 ·         Armstrong Park ·         PAC Park
·         Harrison Park 2 ·         Keast Park ·         Davey Park
·         North Parkes Oval ·         Kelly Reserve ·         Cooper's Park
·         Pioneer Oval ·         Bushmans Hill ·         AE Fox Park
·         Woodward Oval ·         Rotary Arboretum ·         Boulder Hill Park
·         Spicer Oval ·         Cemetery ·         Lions Memorial Park

The $20.9m Recycled Water Scheme is jointly funded between the Australian Government and Parkes Shire Council. The Australian Government provided $8,725,000 towards the Parkes Recycled Water Scheme under the National Stronger Regions Fund.