President's letter to Football NSW regarding Competition Review

17 October 2012


Eddie Moore/Phil Brown
C/- Football NSW
PO Box 6146


Dear Eddie/Phil

RE: 2013 Football NSW Competitions Structure

I am writing to voice the concerns from both myself and other members of the football community in Western NSW, in particular the Parkes and Lachlan area, about the NON inclusion of Western NSW in an elite youth (boy’s) competition for players to participate in from our area in 2013.

The decision made by Football NSW to only allow Western NSW a license to have teams participate in the Intermediate 1 (U16, U18, U20 & First Grade) competition for 2013 gives us the impression in the bush that Football NSW have no consideration at all for the youth and football in the bush, the talent that it has and are only worried about supporting associations and promoting player development in the Metropolitan areas by allowing them to play in these elite competitions, with Football NSW not caring about us west of the Blue Mountains and making us feel that we are not worthy of any support or opportunities.

Shouldn’t Football NSW competitions be open to ALL of NSW and not just giving Metropolitan associations the benefits to play in these competitions?? I am sure that Western NSW would of thought that if they were not going to be very competitive in the Elite competitions they would not have applied to play, but maybe I am thinking to much into it.

This decision has left not only a lot of parents and supports but players in the Western area guttered that they no longer have the option of representing Western NSW in elite football competitions, and as I mentioned above further indicates the view that Football NSW has no consideration for football west of the Blue Mountains. I have personally spoke to a few parents that were going to be taking their child to attend the trails for the Western NSW Mariners teams for 2013 to give them the chance to play elite football rather than club football, but now what will they do??

The amount of commitment that people make in the Western area would be higher than that of some of the Metropolitan based associations, some players travel up to 90 minutes to attend training sessions during the week which is well over 150km and then when it comes to home games on the weekends they travel even further for a game of football and then further again when it is an away match, but they do it for the love and the opportunities that they get to play against quality opponents and further progress their development in football, and this is not only players but the challenge that the coaches get out of it as well, but again, what are they going to do now??

Looking at the success that the Western NSW Mariners had in the Super Youth League during 2012 is something that our area would be very proud of; we were very competitive in the competition and showed the Metropolitan associations that country kids can play football and match it with some of the best, this is evident by teams qualifying to play in the finials series in 2012.

In concluding do the views of people in Western NSW seem correct that Football NSW don’t worry about football west of the Blue Mountains? Are we all just a number that you can get money out of to support the Metropolitan area or are you planning on helping us have more development programs and opportunities available in the near future to get us to the level where you think our youth need to be to play in these elite competitions?? (Which personally I think we are already at the lever to participate in these competitions)

Thankyou for taking the time to read this letter and I hope that you can see the concerns that we in the Western area have and how we feel about the treatment that we receive from Football NSW and not feeling like we have any worth or opportunity in the sport of football in NSW.



Cameron Stone
Parkes & District Amateur Soccer Association Inc.


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