The Mid West Football League is an incorporated body under the Associations Incorporations Act (2005).
The objects of the MWFL are specifically described in the Constitution, but generally is to promote, manage and administer the game of Australian Football. MWFL is affilliated with the South Australian Community Football League as the State level peak body, and the Australian Football League by this affiliation.
Affilation with the SACFL and AFL is a formal undertaking, where Affiliated Leagues agree to comply with and observe-:
1. the Laws of Australian Football;
2. the Constitution, Rules and Regulations of the SACFL;
3. the Constitution, Rules and Regulations of the South Australian National Football League Inc to the extent that they are applicable;
4. the Interstate Player Transfer Regulations published by the Australian Football League from time to time;
5. any determination or decision of the SACFL, SANFL or AFL as peak bodies of the sport of Australian Football.
Localised playing conditions are dealt with under the By-Laws of the MWFL.
In promoting Australian Football in our region, MWFL affiliations also include-:
- Eyre Peninsula Zone
- Western Zone Junior Football Council
- Mortlock Shield
The various Constitutions, Rules/By-Laws, Policies and guidelines are available in the following menu items.