Eyre Peninsula Task Force
In 2007, an Eyre Peninsula Task Force looked at the future of football and winter sport on the Eyre Peninsula. Part of this process included a public meeting inviting all football and netball clubs on the Eyre Peninsula to participate and attended by most.
The study was undertaken by Collins Anderson Management, incorporating extensive interviews with players, clubs, leagues, netball and other community stakeholders. The findings are summarised in the Report and Appendicies below.
Since that time, all Leagues on the Eyre Peninsula remain in existence, although it is noted that merger activity between clubs has featured, notably the merger of Cleve and Rudall to form Eastern Ranges in the Eastern Eyre Football League at the end of 2012. Potential for Leagues mergers on the Eyre Peninsula remains on the table for discussion.
The report is available here for information, also Minutes of the Meeting and Meeting Presentation Slides