For the latest version of the Prescribed Player Points System please check on the SANFL web site here;
APPENDIX 4 (updated Sept 2021)
1. PurposeoftheAPPS
To encourage clubs to develop and retain local players, to minimise player movementandreduceplayerpayments,whilstmaintainingahealthycommunityfootballclub.Anyrecruiting required should be conducted in accordance with and within the spirit andintentof theseregulations andthebest interestsofAustralianFootball.
2. Objectsofthe APPS
TheobjectsoftheAPPSare asfollows:
2.1. Encouragethedevelopmentandretentionoflocalandjuniorplayers;
2.2. Encouragetherecruitmentofexlocalplayers;
2.3. Encouragetheloyaltyofrecruitedplayers;
2.4. Assistintheequalisationofcompetitions;
2.5. AssistRegulation31inreducingplayerpaymentstosustainablelevels;and
2.6. EncourageClubstodevelopandpromotethegameintheirlocalcommunity.
3. AffiliatedLeagueImplementation&TotalPointsRating
SystemsaretobedevelopedbytheAffiliatedLeagueandapprovedbytheCommunityFootballLeague(variousexamplesofbestcase“ApprovedAPPSSystems”aresetoutatthe endofthisAppendix);
3.1. ALeagueistoimplementasystemandanysuchsystemshouldbebasedon,butnot limitedto:
3.1.1. Aslidingscalehavingregardforthepremiershipladderinthepreviousseason(s);
3.1.2. Other local factorssuch as population, juniornumbers / success,schoolsetc.
3.1.3. Acombinationofalloftheabove.
3.2. EachAffiliatedLeagueClubwillbeallocateda“TotalPointsRatingofuptoandincluding 13 points” for each Season based on the circumstances listed underClause3.1.
3.3. Each Affiliated League will be allocated a pool of two (2) points per Club to bedistributedforthemanagementoflocalissuesprovidedthatanAffiliatedLeagueClubmustnotbeallocatedmorethan15pointswithoutthepriorapprovaloftheCommunityFootballCommittee.
3.4. A Club may request an increase in their allocated points from an AffiliatedLeague prior to June 30 in the current playing season. Any request under thisclause 3.4 must be in the form of the
“APPS Club Application for IncreasedPoints”setoutattheendofthisAppendixandcomplywiththeprocessapprovedbythe Community FootballCommittee fromtime totime.
AnyadditionalpointsawardedbytheAffiliatedLeagueunderthisclausewillbeforthe current season only.
3.5. AnAffiliatedLeaguemustconsideranyrequestmadebyaClubunderclause
3.5.1. Iftherequestisfornotmorethan15points,approveorrejecttherequestinthe Affiliated League’sdiscretion; or
3.5.2. Iftherequestisformore than15points: Approvearevisedtotalofnotmore than15points; Rejecttherequest;or a request under clause 3.6. If the request is approved bytheSANFLCommunityFootball,theAffiliatedLeaguemaysubsequentlyapprovearequestformorethan15points.
3.6. AnAffiliatedLeaguemayapplytotheSANFLCommunityFootballforincreasedTotalPointsRatingforclub/sinexcessof15pointsforexceptionalcircumstancesbeforeJune30inthecurrentplayingseason.Anyrequestunderthisclause 3.6 mustbein the form ofthe“APPS LeagueApplication forIncreased Points” set out at the end of this Appendix and comply with theprocess approved by theCommunity Football Committee fromtimetotime.
4. AffiliatedLeagueResponsibilities
4.1. Any system implemented by an Affiliated League must be provided along withthe allocation of points to Clubs to the Community Football League by 31Octoberineach year.
4.2. MustallocatepointstoeachAffiliatedLeagueClubforthefollowingseasonandinaccordance withAPPSregulationsby 31 Octoberineachyear.
4.3. MayallocatediscretionarypointsinaccordancewithAPPSregulationstomanagelocal issues.
4.4. Must consider all applications from Clubs for the allocation of additional pointsinaccordance with APPSregulations.
4.5. Must input Club and Player ratings into Footyweb once allocations have beenmade
4.6. MustappointanIndependentAPPSCommitteeofnolessthanthree(3)members, of which no member shall hold an official role with an Affiliated Clubwithin that Affiliated League and provide the person’s contact details to SANFLCommunityFootball by31 Octoberineachyear.
4.6.1. TheAPPSOfficerwill: the contact for Community Football in relation to mattersrelated to the APPS and its implementation within the AffiliatedLeague ApprovaltheAPPSsystemtobeusedbytheAffiliatedLeague AllocateAPPSpointstoClubswithintheAffiliatedLeague Have the authority to appoint a member from the Committee toallocateindividualplayerpointsontheCommittee’sbehalf.
5. AffiliatedClubResponsibilities
5.1. Must ensure all player declarations in accordance with Clause 7 are completedandlodgedwiththeAffiliatedLeagueinaccordancewiththeAPPSregulations.
5.2. Must ensure that on match days the Senior (A Grade) Team complies with theTotalPlayerPointsRating(TPPR)allocatedbytheAffiliatedLeagueinaccordancewith APPSregulations.
(NBClubsmayrecruitabovetheirallocatedpointsinanygivenseasonbutmustcomplywith TPPRfortheirSenior(AGrade)Teamon matchdays)
5.3. Mayrequestanincreaseinallocatedpointsprovidedthat suchrequestismadeto the Affiliated League before June 30 in the current playing season and
6. BasisoftheAPPS
ThebasisoftheAPPSisas follows:
6.1. AnAffiliatedLeagueClubmustnotfield playersinitsSenior(AGrade)Teaminany game which exceed the total points which have been allocated to that Clubunderthe Total PointsRating (Referclause3).
6.2. The points allocated to a player according to the APPS will only apply whenplayinginSenior(A grade)Teams.
6.3. “JuniorFootball”meansacompetitioninwhichplayersmustbeovertheageof12 years and under the age of 18 years on a prescribed date in the calendaryearinwhichthatcompetitionisconductedandincludestheSportsAssociationforAdelaideSchools (SAAS)secondary schoolfootballcompetition.
6.4. “Junior Player” means a player under the age of 18 years who has played aminimum of 25 games from the year in which he turns 13 years of age with anAffiliatedLeagueCluborschoolaffiliateofanAffiliatedLeagueClub,withwhichheis seekingregistration.
6.5. OnlycompetitionsmanagedbytheSANFLCommunityFootballapprovedcompetition management tool (as referred to in Regulation 29A) is recognisedforthe purpose of establishinga player’s APPSrating.
7. PlayerPointsRating
7.1. A player of an Affiliated League Club must, at the time of registration with theirnew club, complete and deliver to the Club a declaration in a form approved bytheAffiliatedLeague(“thePlayerDeclaration”)whichmust:
7.1.1. Include complete details of the previous playing history (including gamesplayedatClubs,numbersofSeasonsandgamesplayed)oftheplayer;
7.1.2. Include an assessment by the player and the Club of the Player PointsRating of the player calculated under the APPS which has been adoptedbythe AffiliatedLeague;
7.1.3. Be signed by both the player and an official of the Club and lodged withtheCluband with the AffiliatedLeague.
7.2. For the purposes of a Player Points Rating a playing coach is classified as aplayer.
7.3. For the purposes of a Player Points Rating a players individual rating will bedetermined at the time of registration and will remain throughout the duration oftheseason.
7.4. For the purposes of determining a Players Points Rating a player must haveplayed a minimum of five (5) matches in the previous two (2) seasons to attractapoints rating greaterthan zero (0).
8. PlayerPointAllocation
EachplayerplayingintheSenior(Agrade)TeamofaClubwillbeallocateda“PlayerPointsRating”as outlinedbelow:
8.1. Each player selected to play in the Senior Team of a Club will be given a baseratingofZero(0)pointswiththeexceptionofJuniorPlayerswhoareselectedinthat team who, subject toclause8.2, willbegivena minus one (-1)rating.
8.2. A maximum minus two (-2) points can be claimed by a Senior (A Grade) Teamin any Match regardless ofthenumberof JuniorPlayers selected inthatteam.
8.3. AplayerwhoisthechildofaClubLifeMembercanberegisteredwiththatsameclubandthatplayerwillattractzero(0)pointsprovidedthatthelifemembershipof the Club by the parent has, subject to clause 8.3.1, been held for a period ofnotless thantwo(2)calendaryears.
8.3.1. If the Club Life Membership is not awarded to the parent of the playerreferred to in Clause 8.3 at the Club’s Annual General Meeting, thecalculation of the date for the purposes of Clause 8.3, will be the date oftheAnnualGeneralMeetingfollowingthedatethatClubLifeMembershipwasawarded to theparent.
8.3.2. For the purpose of this Regulation a player will only be a child of a ClubLife Member if that player is recorded as a child of that Club Life Memberonthe player’s birthcertificate.”
8.4. A player who is required to change their usual place of residence to attend aTertiaryEducational Institutionand isenrolled asafulltimestudentwillreceivea rating of one (1) point if they registered to play with an Affiliated League Clubthathas a directaffiliation withthat TertiaryEducationalInstitution
8.5. AplayertransferringfromoneAffiliatedLeagueClubtoanotherAffiliatedLeague Club and who is under 20 years of age on the 31
st December in thepreviouscalendaryearandhasplayedacombinedtotalofmorethantwenty
(20) games at SANFL Under 18, Reserves and/or League Level will attract anadditionaltwo (2)points.
8.6. Subject to clause 8.7, a registered player of an Affiliated League Club who hasplayed a total of 25 or more games in a Senior (A Grade) Team or Reserves (BGrade) Team or Junior Football with that Affiliated League Club, who haspreviously transferred to a club of another League within Australia and returnstohisoriginalAffiliatedLeagueClubwillhaveaPlayerPointsRatingofzero(0).
8.6.1. AregisteredplayerofanAffiliatedLeagueClubwhohasplayedlessthana total of 25 games (the 25 game qualification – Clause 8.6) in JuniorFootball Team with that Affiliated League Club and subsequently returnsto that Affiliated League Club, the Player Points Rating at the start of theseason will remain for the duration of that season regardless of thenumberof gamesplayed. to clause 8.6.1 a registered player of an Affiliated LeagueClub will have a Player Points Rating of zero (0) in the followingseason, regardless of whether that player has played a total of 25or more games in a Senior (A Grade) Team or Reserves (B Grade)TeamorJuniorFootballwiththatAffiliatedLeagueClub
8.6.2. A registered player who achieves 20 Matches (without transferring) for the same Affiliated League Club will reduce one (1) additional point the following season after achieving 20 Matches.
8.7. AplayertransferringfromoneAffiliatedLeagueClubtoaClubofanyAustralianFootball League or Association will retain the same player rating, if any, if he istransferredback tosuchAffiliatedLeague Clubin thesameseason.
8.8. In accordance with the criteria below, each player selected in a Senior Teamwho has had playing experience with another Club in Australia may be given afurther points rating (in addition to any point or points given under clause 8above) depending on the level of the competition or competitions in which hehas previously played, the number of games played in that competition, theperiod of time since he previously played in that competition and/or any othercriteriawhichmay be approvedbytheCommittee.
8.8.1. AFLPlayers
AplayerwhohasplayedamajorityofmatchesintheAFLintheprevioustwo playing seasons – five (5) additional points, less any deductions orconcessionsas setoutbelow:- playingforan AFLClub. a further one (1) point for each full season since lastplayingforanAFLClub. a player has not played football at any level for 24 months ormore before resuming as a player he will automatically have aPlayerPoints Rating ofzero(0).
8.8.2. StateLeaguePlayers(SANFL,AFLVIC,North EastAFL,WAFL)
A player who has played a majority of matches for the Senior team for aClub or Clubs in any one of the above State League Competitions in theprevioustwoplayingseasons–four(4)additionalpoints,lessanydeductionsorconcessions as setoutbelow: player who is registered to play with a Club of an AffiliatedLeague who returns to that Club of the Affiliated League will notattract any additional points irrespective of the number of gamesplayed in the Senior Teams of the clubs in any of the above StateLeagues. one (1) point if the player did not play a game for theSenior Team of a Club of any of the above State Leagues in thepreviousseason. a player has not played football at any level for 24 months ormore before registering as a player he will automatically have aPlayerPoints Rating ofzero(0).
8.8.3. AllOtherLeaguePlayers player who has played a majority of matches for the Senior (AGrade) Team of a Club or Clubs in any League, other than thosedetailed in sub-clauses 8.8.1 and 8.8.2 above, (‘Other Leagues’)and/orReservesforaTeamcompetingintheStateLeagueCompetitionsreferredtoinclause8.8.2above,intheprevioustwoplayingseasons–anadditionalthree(3)pointslessanydeductionsorconcessions as setoutbelow. Deduct one (1) point for each full season since theplayer last played for the senior team of a Club in theOther League. If a player has not played football at any level for 24months or more before resuming as a player he willautomaticallyhaveaPlayerPointsRatingofzero(0). player who has played majority of matches for the Reserves(B Grade) Team but has also played a minimum of five (5) A Gradematches in the previous two seasons and is transferring betweenclubs in different leagues the player will have points rating of one(1) Grade) Team but has also played any match in the Senior (AGrade) Team of a Club or Clubs in any Other League in theprevious two playing seasons and is transferring from one Club toanotherClubwithinthesameAffiliatedLeague–willhaveaPlayerPointsRatingofzero(0). a club in any other league and has also played a minimum offive(5)AGradematchesintheprevioustwoplaying seasonswillhavea points rating oftwo (2)
9. APPSGeneral
9.1. In the case of a player who has played an equal number of games in two or morecategories,the highest category (points)shallapply.
9.2. In the case of a player who plays matches in a competition predominantlyconducted during the period March through until October who, in the same orfollowingyear,playsina competitionpredominantlyconductedduringtheperioNovemberthroughuntilthefollowingFebruary(‘theSummerCompetition’), the Summer Competition shall be disregarded for the purposesofdeterminingthePlayerPointsRatingattributabletothatplayeruponasubsequenttransfer.
9.3. Any proposed amendments to the APPS must be submitted to the CommunityFootball Manager for referral to the Community Football Committee 30 April inthe current playing season for the Committee to consider implementing for thefollowingseason.
9.4. Amendments to the APPS for the following season will be communicated to allAffiliatedLeaguesandClubsbynolaterthan31Augustinthecurrentseason.
9.5. Affiliated Leagues that have divisional competitions will consider each divisionasaLeagueforthepurposeofimplementing theAPPS.
1. PurposeoftheAPPS
To encourage clubs to develop and retain local players, to minimise player movementandreduceplayerpayments,whilstmaintainingahealthycommunityfootballclub.Anyrecruiting required should be conducted in accordance with and within the spirit andintentof theseregulations andthebest interestsofAustralianFootball.
2. Objectsofthe APPS
TheobjectsoftheAPPSare asfollows:
2.1. Encouragethedevelopmentandretentionoflocalandjuniorplayers;
2.2. Encouragetherecruitmentofexlocalplayers;
2.3. Encouragetheloyaltyofrecruitedplayers;
2.4. Assistintheequalisationofcompetitions;
2.5. AssistRegulation31inreducingplayerpaymentstosustainablelevels;and
2.6. EncourageClubstodevelopandpromotethegameintheirlocalcommunity.
3. AffiliatedLeagueImplementation&TotalPointsRating
SystemsaretobedevelopedbytheAffiliatedLeagueandapprovedbytheCommunityFootballLeague(variousexamplesofbestcase“ApprovedAPPSSystems”aresetoutatthe endofthisAppendix);
3.1. ALeagueistoimplementasystemandanysuchsystemshouldbebasedon,butnot limitedto:
3.1.1. Aslidingscalehavingregardforthepremiershipladderinthepreviousseason(s);
3.1.2. Other local factorssuch as population, juniornumbers / success,schoolsetc.
3.1.3. Acombinationofalloftheabove.
3.2. EachAffiliatedLeagueClubwillbeallocateda“TotalPointsRatingofuptoandincluding 13 points” for each Season based on the circumstances listed underClause3.1.
3.3. Each Affiliated League will be allocated a pool of two (2) points per Club to bedistributedforthemanagementoflocalissuesprovidedthatanAffiliatedLeagueClubmustnotbeallocatedmorethan15pointswithoutthepriorapprovaloftheCommunityFootballCommittee.
3.4. A Club may request an increase in their allocated points from an AffiliatedLeague prior to June 30 in the current playing season. Any request under thisclause 3.4 must be in the form of the “APPS Club Application for IncreasedPoints”setoutattheendofthisAppendixandcomplywiththeprocessapprovedbythe Community FootballCommittee fromtime totime.
AnyadditionalpointsawardedbytheAffiliatedLeagueunderthisclausewillbeforthe current season only.
3.5. AnAffiliatedLeaguemustconsideranyrequestmadebyaClubunderclause
3.5.1. Iftherequestisfornotmorethan15points,approveorrejecttherequestinthe Affiliated League’sdiscretion; or
3.5.2. Iftherequestisformore than15points: Approvearevisedtotalofnotmore than15points; Rejecttherequest;or a request under clause 3.6. If the request is approved bytheSANFLCommunityFootball,theAffiliatedLeaguemaysubsequentlyapprovearequestformorethan15points.
3.6. AnAffiliatedLeaguemayapplytotheSANFLCommunityFootballforincreasedTotalPointsRatingforclub/sinexcessof15pointsforexceptionalcircumstancesbeforeJune30inthecurrentplayingseason.Anyrequestunderthisclause 3.6 mustbein the form ofthe“APPS LeagueApplication forIncreased Points” set out at the end of this Appendix and comply with theprocess approved by theCommunity Football Committee fromtimetotime.
4. AffiliatedLeagueResponsibilities
4.1. Any system implemented by an Affiliated League must be provided along withthe allocation of points to Clubs to the Community Football League by 31Octoberineach year.
4.2. MustallocatepointstoeachAffiliatedLeagueClubforthefollowingseasonandinaccordance withAPPSregulationsby 31 Octoberineachyear.
4.3. MayallocatediscretionarypointsinaccordancewithAPPSregulationstomanagelocal issues.
4.4. Must consider all applications from Clubs for the allocation of additional pointsinaccordance with APPSregulations.
4.5. Must input Club and Player ratings into Footyweb once allocations have beenmade
4.6. MustappointanIndependentAPPSCommitteeofnolessthanthree(3)members, of which no member shall hold an official role with an Affiliated Clubwithin that Affiliated League and provide the person’s contact details to SANFLCommunityFootball by31 Octoberineachyear.
4.6.1. TheAPPSOfficerwill: the contact for Community Football in relation to mattersrelated to the APPS and its implementation within the AffiliatedLeague ApprovaltheAPPSsystemtobeusedbytheAffiliatedLeague AllocateAPPSpointstoClubswithintheAffiliatedLeague Have the authority to appoint a member from the Committee toallocateindividualplayerpointsontheCommittee’sbehalf.
5. AffiliatedClubResponsibilities
5.1. Must ensure all player declarations in accordance with Clause 7 are completedandlodgedwiththeAffiliatedLeagueinaccordancewiththeAPPSregulations.
5.2. Must ensure that on match days the Senior (A Grade) Team complies with theTotalPlayerPointsRating(TPPR)allocatedbytheAffiliatedLeagueinaccordancewith APPSregulations.
(NBClubsmayrecruitabovetheirallocatedpointsinanygivenseasonbutmustcomplywith TPPRfortheirSenior(AGrade)Teamon matchdays)
5.3. Mayrequestanincreaseinallocatedpointsprovidedthat suchrequestismadeto the Affiliated League before June 30 in the current playing season andcomplieswiththeprocessapprovedbyCommunityFootballfromtimetotime.
6. BasisoftheAPPS
ThebasisoftheAPPSisas follows:
6.1. AnAffiliatedLeagueClubmustnotfield playersinitsSenior(AGrade)Teaminany game which exceed the total points which have been allocated to that Clubunderthe Total PointsRating (Referclause3).
6.2. The points allocated to a player according to the APPS will only apply whenplayinginSenior(A grade)Teams.
6.3. “JuniorFootball”meansacompetitioninwhichplayersmustbeovertheageof12 years and under the age of 18 years on a prescribed date in the calendaryearinwhichthatcompetitionisconductedandincludestheSportsAssociationforAdelaideSchools (SAAS)secondary schoolfootballcompetition.
6.4. “Junior Player” means a player under the age of 18 years who has played aminimum of 25 games from the year in which he turns 13 years of age with anAffiliatedLeagueCluborschoolaffiliateofanAffiliatedLeagueClub,withwhichheis seekingregistration.
6.5. OnlycompetitionsmanagedbytheSANFLCommunityFootballapprovedcompetition management tool (as referred to in Regulation 29A) is recognisedforthe purpose of establishinga player’s APPSrating.
7. PlayerPointsRating
7.1. A player of an Affiliated League Club must, at the time of registration with theirnew club, complete and deliver to the Club a declaration in a form approved bytheAffiliatedLeague(“thePlayerDeclaration”)whichmust:
7.1.1. Include complete details of the previous playing history (including gamesplayedatClubs,numbersofSeasonsandgamesplayed)oftheplayer;
7.1.2. Include an assessment by the player and the Club of the Player PointsRating of the player calculated under the APPS which has been adoptedbythe AffiliatedLeague;
7.1.3. Be signed by both the player and an official of the Club and lodged withtheCluband with the AffiliatedLeague.
7.2. For the purposes of a Player Points Rating a playing coach is classified as aplayer.
7.3. For the purposes of a Player Points Rating a players individual rating will bedetermined at the time of registration and will remain throughout the duration oftheseason.
7.4. For the purposes of determining a Players Points Rating a player must haveplayed a minimum of five (5) matches in the previous two (2) seasons to attractapoints rating greaterthan zero (0).
8. PlayerPointAllocation
EachplayerplayingintheSenior(Agrade)TeamofaClubwillbeallocateda“PlayerPointsRating”as outlinedbelow:
8.1. Each player selected to play in the Senior Team of a Club will be given a baseratingofZero(0)pointswiththeexceptionofJuniorPlayerswhoareselectedinthat team who, subject toclause8.2, willbegivena minus one (-1)rating.
8.2. A maximum minus two (-2) points can be claimed by a Senior (A Grade) Teamin any Match regardless ofthenumberof JuniorPlayers selected inthatteam.
8.3. AplayerwhoisthechildofaClubLifeMembercanberegisteredwiththatsameclubandthatplayerwillattractzero(0)pointsprovidedthatthelifemembershipof the Club by the parent has, subject to clause 8.3.1, been held for a period ofnotless thantwo(2)calendaryears.
8.3.1. If the Club Life Membership is not awarded to the parent of the playerreferred to in Clause 8.3 at the Club’s Annual General Meeting, thecalculation of the date for the purposes of Clause 8.3, will be the date oftheAnnualGeneralMeetingfollowingthedatethatClubLifeMembershipwasawarded to theparent.
8.3.2. For the purpose of this Regulation a player will only be a child of a ClubLife Member if that player is recorded as a child of that Club Life Memberonthe player’s birthcertificate.”
8.4. A player who is required to change their usual place of residence to attend aTertiaryEducational Institutionand isenrolled asafulltimestudentwillreceivea rating of one (1) point if they registered to play with an Affiliated League Clubthathas a directaffiliation withthat TertiaryEducationalInstitution
8.5. AplayertransferringfromoneAffiliatedLeagueClubtoanotherAffiliatedLeague Club and who is under 20 years of age on the 31st December in thepreviouscalendaryearandhasplayedacombinedtotalofmorethantwenty
(20) games at SANFL Under 18, Reserves and/or League Level will attract anadditionaltwo (2)points.
8.6. Subject to clause 8.7, a registered player of an Affiliated League Club who hasplayed a total of 25 or more games in a Senior (A Grade) Team or Reserves (BGrade) Team or Junior Football with that Affiliated League Club, who haspreviously transferred to a club of another League within Australia and returnstohisoriginalAffiliatedLeagueClubwillhaveaPlayerPointsRatingofzero(0).
8.6.1. AregisteredplayerofanAffiliatedLeagueClubwhohasplayedlessthana total of 25 games (the 25 game qualification – Clause 8.6) in JuniorFootball Team with that Affiliated League Club and subsequently returnsto that Affiliated League Club, the Player Points Rating at the start of theseason will remain for the duration of that season regardless of thenumberof gamesplayed. to clause 8.6.1 a registered player of an Affiliated LeagueClub will have a Player Points Rating of zero (0) in the followingseason, regardless of whether that player has played a total of 25or more games in a Senior (A Grade) Team or Reserves (B Grade)TeamorJuniorFootballwiththatAffiliatedLeagueClub
8.6.2. A registered player who achieves 20 Matches (without transferring) for the same Affiliated League Club will reduce one (1) additional point the following season after achieving 20 Matches.
8.7. AplayertransferringfromoneAffiliatedLeagueClubtoaClubofanyAustralianFootball League or Association will retain the same player rating, if any, if he istransferredback tosuchAffiliatedLeague Clubin thesameseason.
8.8. In accordance with the criteria below, each player selected in a Senior Teamwho has had playing experience with another Club in Australia may be given afurther points rating (in addition to any point or points given under clause 8above) depending on the level of the competition or competitions in which hehas previously played, the number of games played in that competition, theperiod of time since he previously played in that competition and/or any othercriteriawhichmay be approvedbytheCommittee.
8.8.1. AFLPlayers
AplayerwhohasplayedamajorityofmatchesintheAFLintheprevioustwo playing seasons – five (5) additional points, less any deductions orconcessionsas setoutbelow:- playingforan AFLClub. a further one (1) point for each full season since lastplayingforanAFLClub. a player has not played football at any level for 24 months ormore before resuming as a player he will automatically have aPlayerPoints Rating ofzero(0).
8.8.2. StateLeaguePlayers(SANFL,AFLVIC,North EastAFL,WAFL)
A player who has played a majority of matches for the Senior team for aClub or Clubs in any one of the above State League Competitions in theprevioustwoplayingseasons–four(4)additionalpoints,lessanydeductionsorconcessions as setoutbelow: player who is registered to play with a Club of an AffiliatedLeague who returns to that Club of the Affiliated League will notattract any additional points irrespective of the number of gamesplayed in the Senior Teams of the clubs in any of the above StateLeagues. one (1) point if the player did not play a game for theSenior Team of a Club of any of the above State Leagues in thepreviousseason. a player has not played football at any level for 24 months ormore before registering as a player he will automatically have aPlayerPoints Rating ofzero(0).
8.8.3. AllOtherLeaguePlayers player who has played a majority of matches for the Senior (AGrade) Team of a Club or Clubs in any League, other than thosedetailed in sub-clauses 8.8.1 and 8.8.2 above, (‘Other Leagues’)and/orReservesforaTeamcompetingintheStateLeagueCompetitionsreferredtoinclause8.8.2above,intheprevioustwoplayingseasons–anadditionalthree(3)pointslessanydeductionsorconcessions as setoutbelow. Deduct one (1) point for each full season since theplayer last played for the senior team of a Club in theOther League. If a player has not played football at any level for 24months or more before resuming as a player he willautomaticallyhaveaPlayerPointsRatingofzero(0). player who has played majority of matches for the Reserves(B Grade) Team but has also played a minimum of five (5) A Gradematches in the previous two seasons and is transferring betweenclubs in different leagues the player will have points rating of one(1) Grade) Team but has also played any match in the Senior (AGrade) Team of a Club or Clubs in any Other League in theprevious two playing seasons and is transferring from one Club toanotherClubwithinthesameAffiliatedLeague–willhaveaPlayerPointsRatingofzero(0). a club in any other league and has also played a minimum offive(5)AGradematchesintheprevioustwoplaying seasonswillhavea points rating oftwo (2)
9. APPSGeneral
9.1. In the case of a player who has played an equal number of games in two or morecategories,the highest category (points)shallapply.
9.2. In the case of a player who plays matches in a competition predominantlyconducted during the period March through until October who, in the same orfollowingyear,playsina competitionpredominantlyconductedduringtheperioNovemberthroughuntilthefollowingFebruary(‘theSummerCompetition’), the Summer Competition shall be disregarded for the purposesofdeterminingthePlayerPointsRatingattributabletothatplayeruponasubsequenttransfer.
9.3. Any proposed amendments to the APPS must be submitted to the CommunityFootball Manager for referral to the Community Football Committee 30 April inthe current playing season for the Committee to consider implementing for thefollowingseason.
9.4. Amendments to the APPS for the following season will be communicated to allAffiliatedLeaguesandClubsbynolaterthan31Augustinthecurrentseason.
9.5. Affiliated Leagues that have divisional competitions will consider each divisionasaLeagueforthepurposeofimplementing theAPPS.