Sealink Kangaroo island is a highly valued Corporate Sponsor to the Kanagroo Ialnd Football League.
Book a self drive holiday and drive your car on the Sealink Ferry and explore our fantastic Island, and if you are around on a saturday during the winter come along and experience a game of footy.
Sealink is the lifeblood to K.I. and our League.
Sealink has two modern air conditioned car and passenger ferries SeaLion 2000 and Spirit of Kangaroo Island take just 45 minutes to cross backstairs passage between Cape Jervis and Penneshaw on Kangaroo Island, and up to 12 ferry departures a day.
Both Ferries are twin hullled catamaran ferries complete with air conditioned lounges, comfortable lounge or cafe' style seating, a licensed serving great cappucinos and fresh snacks outdoor viewing decks, wheel chair access disabled toilets and baby change facilities.
for more details SEALINK Kangaroo Island's website
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