2018 Record Requirements
The Record is a highly effective marketing tool for the league and clubs. The continual improvement and development of the Gippsland League Record is heavily dependent on club input. Ensure your media/publicity officer is aware of these requirements.
2017 price: $2
Club requirements:
- Provide a contact to the league for Record and media requirements.
- Clubs will be allocated 120 Records for their home games. If more are required you need to contact the League by Monday of the week leading up to your home game and order the number desired. Delivery will be on the Friday to the points organised by you and the League.
- Is required to supply an accurate list of players’ names and numbers. One list for the senior/reserves and separate lists for the Under 18’s and Under 16’s. Players’ numbers must correspond with the player’s name and number on the team sheet. Clubs will be fined if player numbers are continually incorrect in the league record.
- On a weekly basis clubs need to supply content for your “Club Notes”. This will consist of maximum 400 words. This can be awards, social news, player milestones or whatever your supporters would like to read. If you have a player achieving a milestone please contact the league as this content maybe something the league can profile. Make sure you provide an event calendar to your members with social functions and event dates.
- Provide access to photos as requested
Extra content:
The league is looking to heavily promote clubs and players moving forward. The Operations Manager will send out request to clubs around providing certain content. Please make this available as it promotes the profile and image of the league.
Weekly timeline:
Monday – Club notes content due in Monday. Extensions may be granted until Tuesday if communicated and approved by the league.
Tuesday – Record is designed and compiled by the league
Wednesday - Record is printed
Friday – Record delivered to all western clubs and AFL Gippsland
If notes aren’t provided by Monday without an extension approved by the league. Club notes will not be included in the next issue.