Legislation and the legal duty of care provide clear reasons to have a totally smoke free Junior Football League. Going totally smokefree will help our League comply with these responsibilities and provide a healthier sporting environment.
- Amended Tobacco Act 1987 (VIC): bans smoking within 10 metres of an outdoor public sporting venue during an organised underage sporting event. Playgrounds are also now permanently smokefree.
- Common law: the League has a legal duty to ensure that employees, volunteers, members, spectators, players, officials and visitors are not exposed to potentially harmful situations.
- Role Modelling: can have a significant impact on the junior members of the club. A smokefree policy can make smoking less visible and less socially acceptable, whilst creating a healthier and more attractive environment for new members and sponsors.
- Effects on others: Second-hand smoke is considered irritating and hazardous to the health of other people, even when outdoors. Children may be at risk of swallowing discarded cigarette butts, which may cause symptoms of nicotine poisoning such as vomiting.
- Smokefree Areas: may support people who are trying to quit or reduce their cigarette consumption. They also help reduce cigarette butt litter and reduce fire risks.
Accordingly, the following smokefree policy has been developed by The Mornington Peninsula Junior Football League.
Who is affected by the policy
This policy applies to all members, administrators, officials, coaches, players, spectators, visitors and volunteers of the Mornington Peninsula Junior Football League at all times.
This policy is effective from 31.03.16
Smokefree areas
The Mornington Peninsula Junior Football League requires the entire area of the local junior football grounds under the Mornington Peninsula Junior Football League to be smoke free. This includes:
- all indoor areas (Victorian legislation states that enclosed workplaces must be smokefree)
- all outdoor playing/training/dining/drinking areas
- spectator viewing areas
- car parks
- in vehicles that are within the boundary of the sporting ground
Where possible, the smoke free status of our League will be clearly signed at the entrance to, and within the club grounds.
Smokefree areas will be promoted in league materials from time to time.
De-normalising smoking
Members of Mornington Peninsula Junior Football League are to refrain from smoking while they are acting in an official capacity for the league or while in league uniform.
Supporting members who smoke
The Mornington Peninsula Junior Football League may on occasion promote smoking cessation resources such as the Quit line on league materials.
Following the policy
There is strong community support for banning smoking in public places, particularly those regularly attended by children. This means most people will voluntarily comply with the smoking ban and expect others to do so.
Should a person be smoking in our club grounds, the matter should be referred to the League office on 59794194 or via email on
Should the President or Secretary of a club wish to approach a person who is smoking in a smokefree area, they should:
Assume that the person is unaware of the policy.
Politely ask them to stop smoking and let them know about the League smoke free policy.
Let them know about the League’s decision to go completely smokefree.
If unresolved, refer the incident to the club committee.
Sale of tobacco products
The Mornington Peninsula Junior Football League will not sell tobacco products.
Policy review
This policy will be reviewed six months after its introduction and then on an annual basis thereafter. This will ensure that the policy remains current and practical.