Our Aims

We exist to provide an environment through which people can come to know the Lord Jesus Christ through playing football which is competitive and played in a friendly spirit.


  1. To use football to spread the Good News through contact with people who wouldn't normally go into a Church
  2. To witness through actions and behaviour to non-Christians
  3. To develop friendships with non-Christians with the aim to share the Good News at the appropriate time

A Bridge

Hunter Christian Churches Football is a bridge provided for the use of the Churches who play within the Assoc. It is a bridge for the unsaved to cross over and be saved. People who play in the Assoc are now on the bridge and aware that there is something at the other end. It is the responsibility of all Christians in the Assoc to help people to the other end, be they from their own team or another.


  • To provide a vehicle for churches to start football outreach programs into the community
  • To allow churches to expand existing football ministries