2008/2009 Wallarah2 Coal Project

Wallarah 2 Coal Project

The partnership with Wallarah2 Coal project will allow the Newcastle and Hunter Youth Development Trust to be able to bring programs to the Wyong Zone for sporting and community events

Week 1 Rookie of the Week Anna

Joel Henry was really impressed with Anna, Rookie of the Week at Lakehaven. Anna is one of the fastest young players on the court on Mondays. By all reports basketball is her favourite game and will really make use of her new basketball sponsored by Wallarah2 Coal Project. Anna has a promising career in basketball. Great Work.

Week 2 Rookie of the Week Rachel

Congratulations Rachel. We hope you enjoy your new basketball. Rachel appeared to be having a great time with the growing number of players in the Rookies Program. Rachel is part of a well behaved group of young people going through the skills and drills and Rachel really excels in game time.

Week 3 Rookie of the Week Cameron

Cameron was eager to share the news with is family about being Rookie of the Week. LeChe commented on Camerons great jump shots and what great manners Cameron has. Congratulations Cameron we will see you every week at the Rookies Program. Cameron was also delighted with his playing singlet along with his new basketball.

Week 4 Rookie of the Week Abby

Its great weather and a great atmosphere to be at Lakehaven Recreation Centre on Mondays in Term 3. With hard working young players like Abby really getting into the game of basketball. Jimmy is always ready to help out children like Abby improve their skills and be a part of the Rookies Program. Congratulations Abby great game.

Coaches and Kids - Supported by Wallarah 2

It's really hard to tell who is having the most fun lately at Lakehaven Recreation Centre. The Kids or the Coaches.We now have 4 junior coaches assisting at Lake Haven who have been for their Level 1 Coaching Course. These coaches are giving back to the game of basketball by working with younger players in TLBA association.

July 20th Lakehaven Basketball Camp- Huge Success

He is FIT, and ran Lakehaven FUN Basketball Camp on the 20th July with a FANTASTIC result. Joel Henry and junior coaches entertained 63 children with an outstanding day of basketball at Lakehaven Recreation Centre. There is a new keen young group working towards junior basketball development at Lakehaven...

Thankyou Wallarah2 Coal Project 2009 - 2010

The Newcastle and Hunter Youth Development Trust would like to thank the Wallarah2 Coal Project for their kind donation of $25,000 once again this year. Without great sponsors like Wallarah2 Coal our trust would not be able to give local schools, sporting groups and community based programs the support we offer in scholarships, education of coaches and referees,

Northern Lake Doyalson Junior Touch

The Northern Lakes Doyalson Junior Touch Association https://websites.mygameday.app/assoc_page.cgi?c=1-985-0-0-0&sID=12930 can now put their plans in place for the next season with the confidence of the financial support from their Major Sponsor the Wallarah2 Coal Project. Following the meeting last week with representatives from the Wallarah2 Coal Project, Peter Murray

Term 3 Healthy Hoops Woongarrah Public Schpool

Woongarrah Public School will join us again in 2009 HEALTHY HOOPS sponsored by Wallarah2 Coal Project. In Term 3 there is plenty of action as 4 schools in the area combine with various sporting activities. We would like to thank Woongarah School for their support in getting out information via their website and school newsletters

Term 3 Healthy Hoops Mannering Park Public School

Mannering Park Public School is well known for their success in sporting events and will be taking part in our Healthy Hoops in Term 3
With a variety of sporting equipment in their sports kit we hope the students at Mannering Park put their energy into keeping their school successful in sporting achievements throughout 2009...

Term 3 Healthy Hoops Gorokan Public School

I would like to thank you for your kind donation of a $500 Sports Kit to support our students physical fitness and sport within our school. We appreciate the funds you have provided so we can purchase some new sporting equipment.The money will be used to purchase a recreation/camp sport kit that can be taken away on excursions...

Term 3 Healthy Hoops Caves Beach Nippers

Caves Beach Nippers are taking part in Healthy Hoops again in 2009 with a new sports kit sponsored by Wallarah2 Coal Project. The young nippers have a varitiety of equipment for sack races, egg and spoon races along with other gear supporting active kids

Lakehaven Rookie of the Week: Zoe

Congratulations Zoe this weeks "Rookie of the Week" at Lakehaven. All the Rookies a enjoyed a real game of basketball and coaches Jimmy, LeChe and Nick did an excellent job running the program. Defence, Long passes and rules on Dribbling were explained and put into practice with all the kids promising to work out, strengthening up their arms before the next big game.

Lakehaven Rookie of the Week Harrison

Congratulations Harrison, Lakehavens Rookie of the Week. Harrison is so keen about basketball he arrives for The Multisports Fun Days and continues into the Rookies Program. By all reports Harrison is an all round sportsman, he is a keen basketball player and always takes part in all the games set in place by Joel Henry. Sponsored by Wallarah2 Coal Project

Lakehaven Rookie of the Week: Shaun

A new player in the Rookies Program sponsored by the Wallarah2 Coal Project is this weeks Lakehaven 'Rookie of the Week'. Congratulations Shaun we hope you practice every day with your new C2C Basketball. Joel Henry and junior coaches have a different game every week with the new sports kit also sponsored by Wallarah2 Coal Project.

Lakehaven Rookie of the Week Jess

Our Lakehaven Rookie of the Week sponsored by Wallarah2 Coal Project is Jess. Joel Henry presented Jess with her new C2C basketball after her amazing afternoon of training in balls skills in the Rookies Program, Monday afternoons at Lakehaven Recreation Centre. Congratulations Jess great job.

Drills and Skills Lakehaven

NAHYDT continue to support basketball on the Central Coast with development programs. With a steady increase in numbers at Drills and Skills plans are underway to get these new starters playing the game of Basketball. Paul Bolton to add more exciting drills next week

Lakehaven Team of the Week

The NAHYDT Team of the Week supported by Wallarah2 Coal Project at Lakehaven is The Wildcats. With new members in this team a very keen group of young players took the court Friday 16th May. More news at www.tuggerahlakes.basketball.net.au

Blue Haven Raiders 2009 Under 9/1's

Blue Haven Raiders Under 9/1's sponsored by Wallarah2 Coal Project. These boys are our first division 1 players in this age group for 2009 season and they are also the 1st division one side to win a game. This was at last weekends game which was a home game. Regards Jackie Blue Haven Raiders. www.bluehavenraiders.com.au

Lakehaven Team of the Week The Suns

Congratulations THE SUNS: TLBA Team of the Week at Lakehaven Recreation Centre. There is a new buzz of excitement beginning on the Central Coast as a combined group of volunteers set about the task of basketball promotion in the area. The smiles on the faces of this happy team 'The Suns' is a great reward for the NAHYDT. 'supporting active kids

TLBA Under 12's Team of the Week 'The Hornets'

The Newcastle and Hunter Youth Development Trust and the Wallarah2 Coal Project are supporting junior basketball players at Lakehaven in 20O9. The Under 12's Team of the Week is the Hornets. All team members received a skipping rope as part of a basketball promotion campaign in the Northern Wyong Shire. www.theentrance.basketball.net.au

Friday Night Drills & Skills Lakehaven

As an entry into a healthy and active lifestyle from 1st May TLBA in conjunction with NAHYDT will begin a new program at Lakehaven Recreation Centre. With prices kept to a minimum to allow all children a chance to come a take part in the new Drills and Skills Program. Junior Coaches supported by the Wallarah 2 Coal Project

TLBA Lakehaven U 12's Team of the Week The Wildcats'

The Newcastle and Hunter Youth Development Trust and the Wallarah2 Coal Project are supporting junior basketball players at Lakehaven in 20O9. The Under 12's Team of the Week is The Wildcats. All team members received a skipping rope as part of a basketball promotion campaign in the Northern Wyong Shire. www.theentrance.basketball.net.au

Lakehaven Rookies League

The Lakehaven Rookies League is sponsored by the Wallarah2 Coal Project. New Starters are given a FREE reversible singlet, basketball, and drink bottle to get them started in their basketball programs. As always we try to assist young children to enter sport at the cheapest possible price. All children are treated equally by being given the Free Starters Packs.

Basketball Term 2 Lakehaven

The Tuggerah Lakes Basketball Association has a new board of keen administrators to start the introduction of some of the Newcastle and Hunter Youth Development Trusts Programs. Multi Sport Fun Days will run Mondays afternoons at Lakehaven Recreation Centre. Sport Kits for use a this program donated by the Wallarah 2 Coal Project.

Caught you being Good Woongarrah Public School

Thanks to Wallarah 2 Coal Project and Newcastle and Hunter Youth Development, Woongarrah Public School has once again received a Healthy Hoops $500 grant. The grant continues to support our students by developing their fundamental movement skills. This is evident in our continued involvement and commitment to the Wadlaba Learning Community Sports Initiative! Thanks to Newcastle and Hunter Youth Development especially...

2009 Lake Haven Kindy Fun

Lakehaven Kindy Fun will be promoting a special fundraising campaign for new equipment for this very popular local community event. The Wallarah2 Coal Project and the Newcastle and Hunter Youth Development Trust will be supplying FREE Starters packs for new starters joining the Kindy Fun Program in 2009. Conditions apply.

2009 All Sports at Gorokan Public School

Thank you for the donation of 100 drink bottles will be supporting our new structured playground program that is designed to encourage students to be involved in structured physical activities during lunchtime. At the moment there are indoor soccer, soccer, volleyball and basketball competitions running at lunch and these bottles will be used to reward those students who are involved in these activities and increasing their physical activity. Belinda G. Gorokan Public School

Soldiers Beach Surf Club

The Newcastle and Hunter Youth Development Trust have had a great response this week from Maitland Basketball, Scone Touch Football, Doyalson Touch Football and Soldiers Beach Surf Club with the new surfboard sponsored by the Wallarah 2 Coal Project. Thanks for the photo Soldiers Beach have a great time with the board in your development programs for junior lifesavers.

NLDJTA New Gear Arrives

There are Lot's of happy parents and players at the Northern Lakes Doyalson Junior Touch Association as the Representative Teams head off to Nelsons Bay this weekend in their new team shirts sponsored by the Wallarah2 Coal Project 'supporting active kids

2009 Events with The Wallarah2 Coal Project

The Wallarah 2 Coal Project is proud to be associated with a range of community activities including involvement in education, sporting, youth and the environment.
In its three years of construction the mine is expected to contribute more than $1 billion to the local economy and once mining begins that contribution is expected to be about $200 million a year....

More Support for Blue Haven Raiders

To ensure the juniors at are off to a great start for 2009 The Wallarah2 Coal Project has come to the assistance of another 2 teams at the Blue Haven Raiders Junior Rugby League Club. We wish these young players the best of luck for the season and look forward to some great team photos later in the year

2009 Northern Lakes- Doyalson Junior Touch

The Wallarah2 Coal Project in partnership with NAHYDT are showing support for many sporting events in the Upper Wyong Shire. We are delighted to be able to work with a keen group of volunteer's looking after over 500 children on the run at Doyalson Junior Touch.

2009 Blue Haven Raiders JRL

Great news for the Newcastle and Hunter Youth Development Trust now supporting more sports. The Wallarah2 Coal Project and NAHYDT will proudly be supporting teams in 2009 at the Blue Haven Raiders Junior Rugby League. http://www.bluehavenraiders.com.au/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=17&Itemid=31

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