Home Game Hosts



Premier League Home Game Host
Fund Raising Opportunity


In the past, the CDBC have scheduled junior age groups to host and assist with home game night. This came with the opportunity to fundraise on the night but this has been met with mixed responses. Some teams have been fantastic, with others not so. This year we are trying something different!  We are asking for Teams/Squads to put their hands up for the opportunity to raise money for their Team or Squad to host a Premier League home game.

2019 Schedule tbc


Host Requirements
Provide Player supper
(2 games x 2 teams and officials approx. 35 people per game – You need to cater for approximately 70 people)

The responsible Team or Squad will be given a $200 budget allowance to cater for the supper.
The team can elect to either purchase the supper with this allocation,


Have the parents/players provide the supper and the Team/Squad
can add the $200 towards their fundraising total.

Court set up and pack up after last game
Provide 2 adults to assist the Committee with court set-up.  You need to be at the court approximately 1.5 hours before game time.

Provide 2 to 4 adults to assist with court and supper pack-up for approximately 40 minutes after the last game

Front Counter
Provide at least 1 person over the age of 16 at the front counter to collect entry fees.

2 adults to serve behind the Lions bar.

Court Sweepers
1 or 2 junior volunteers per game to sweep/mop the court during the game as required.  Volunteers must stay court side throughout the game.  We suggest rotating volunteers per quarter.

The team/squad hosting the night can undertake any fundraising activities they would like, however any food being sold at the game must not be what the PEC Deck Café sells (if open). Fundraising and food ideas must be advised and approved by the CDBC Committee prior to the game.

Interested?  NEXT STEPS
If you and your Team/Squad are interested in hosting a game, please forward your request with full details of the Primary Contact, Team/Squad represented and desired Game Date to gameday@lionsbasketball.com.au
First come, first served.    

The Host Calendar above will detail who is hosting per game and available dates.

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