
In the SDSSA, we hold our Summer Sport Round Robin Day during Term 1, and then our Summer Interschool Sports Competition during Term 4. The five Summer Sports that are available for the students to participate in are:

  • Kanga Cricket
  • Danish Rounders
  • Hot Hots Tennis
  • Fully Loaded Softball (mixed)
  • Tee Ball

All sports are available for both boys and girls to participate in unless otherwise stated. 

In Term 1, the SDSSA holds a Summer Sport Round Robin Day at Waverley Softball and Netball Centre, Corner of Jells Rd and Waverley Rd, Wheelers Hill. Across the day, each school plays against every other school in their division to try and claim the title of Champions of their division. To conclude the event, the winners of each sport and in each division then face-off in a final to decide the outright Champions. 

The Summer Interschool Sports Competition during Term 4 comprises of matches involving two of the District schools playing as many of the summer sports as possible over a two hour period with both schools involved sharing the hosting duties. Before the start of the term, the SDSSA releases a fixture which outlines the playing dates and competing schools.