A special game with special plays
Its great fun, anyone can play. What's faster than football, more fun than netball, has more goals scored than soccer?
The best game in the world- MODCROSSE: In most sports you only get to whack the ball away from you, in Modcrosse you get to catch the ball, run with it, dodge around opponents and throw to a team mate or shoot on goal.
It's HI-SPEED ACTION: Modcrosse can be played indoors or out, you have defence, offence and midfielders and you can play behind the goals which really put the pressure on the opposition.
Modcrosse –modified rules of lacrosse (non contact) is taught in primary and secondary schools.
School Clinics: We can attend at your school to conduct a series of coaching clinics covering the basic skills, game rules, game situations and game tactics involving classes from Year 3 to Year 7.
- Funded by Healthway /Heart Foundation and promoting the smarter than smoking message
- -Experienced Smarter than Smoking Development officers will bring balls, sticks, portable goals, and introduce the skills, and run drills and games.
- Teachers, please forward your details of dates, lesson times, year groups to Peta Hiron or contact the local club in your area. Please request blocks bookings of 2 hours or more, with classes running one after the other.
- There is no charge, but bookings are essential.
- Lesson plans/lacrosse drills for beginners also available.
- Lightning carnivals are supported and encouraged. For more information please contact Peta Hiron.
Hire Equipment: Sets of Modcrosse equipment are available for hire to assist in school programs or interschool teams. Each set comprises ten lacrosse sticks, a goalie stick, helmet and chest pad and hire rates vary depending on the length of hire, again bookings are required.
Peta Hiron
Lacrosse WA
Address PO Box 1633 Osborne Park WA 6916
043 898 6992
Club locations and contacts
Bayswater (North East Metro)
Clubrooms Halliday Park, Bayswater
Paula Olofsson
Email: blc.clubmanager @hotmail.com
Mob. 0405285155
or 93716338
Phoenix (South East Metro)
Clubrooms Tompkins Park Melville
GLENDA MAGEE -0408 921 995
East Fremantle (South West Metro)
Clubrooms Preston Pt. Res., East Fremantle
BEV LEAVY - 0409-682-368
SUBIACO (Central Metro)
Clubrooms Rosalie Park, Subiaco
Sat Mornings 8.30am to 10.00am
JENNY CAHILL- 9381 8724
Wanneroo (North West Metro)
Clubrooms Pennistone Res, Greenwood
DARREN SUGARS- Modcrosse 0418-937-076
NATHAN CLAY- Lacrosse 0402 127 179
Wembley (Central western metro)
Clubrooms Floreat Oval
Sat. 9-10:00am
AMANDA PLUMMER- 0404 835 699
Paid work for Lacrosse Players
1. Smarter than Smoking Development Officers - Paid work available with Lacrosse WA working in mainly primary schools and some secondary schools conducting Modcrosse lessons with the support of teachers. Funded by Healthway/Heart Foundation and promoting the smarter than smoking message.
Players who take sessions at schools for their local club can access payment by the Club Director of Development forwarding all the details and teacher contacts, to Peta Hiron petahi@westnet.com.au . All schools offered 3 sessions per class with one paid development officer only, unless specified. If you wish to do lacrosse sessions outside your club area, please also contact Peta for details.
-Coaching experienced preferred, but not essential.
-Support will be offered and first sessions you will be teamed you up with more experienced Development officer.
-Working with children check required -forms from post office
**School clinic forms (details of clinic numbers, etc), payment detail forms, and copy of working with children card must be submitted prior to payment to Peta Hiron.
Contact Lacrosse Office or petahi@westnet.com.au for more information
2. Active After School -DSR offers free coaching courses and the opportunity to get paid work in after school care centre’s and after school coaching.
-Online course, free practical course, see www.ausport.gov.au/coach/onlinecoachcourse.asp
-Working with Children Check
-registration form signed by Lacrosse WA
-First term courses start end of January or second week in February.
Contact petahi@westnet.com.au for more information.