Individual Events
A minimum of five fencers (of both genders) are required to be entered into an event for it to be considered as viable. Alterations to this policy, where it is felt that it is to the benefit of the fencers and the sport, that the competition goes ahead with less than 5 fencers, are at the discretion of the Fencing Victoria Executive. Any alterations to the format of the competition due to an Executive ruling that fewer than 5 fencers can compete, will be at the discretion of the Competition Manager.
Competitions will be "mixed" (include fencers of both genders) in the poule round and direct elimination rounds only if there are three or fewer fencers of either gender subject to the consent of the participants (green areas in the diagram below). Competitions will also be mixed for all under-11 (or younger) events, as this is a legal requirement.
Initial rankings for Poule Allocation will be at the discretion of the Competition Manager and will be based on the following:
- the current calendar year-to-date results for fencers who have previously competed in the either FV or AFF events in the current calendar year
- the final FV rankings for the calendar year preceding the current calendar year for fencers who have not previously competed in FV or AFF competitions in the current calendar year
- where a fencer is based interstate or previously outside of Australia and has no competition history at either FV or AFF events, consideration will be made with regard to their interstate or overseas results
- any other considerations that the Competition Manager may deem appropriate to balance the poules for competitive equality
At all times, the Competition Manager holds the sole discretion to allocate fencers to poules in the initial round. Following the completion of poules, rankings used in the Direct Elimination phase will be as per the result from the poules phase.
Where four or more fencers of one gender are present (orange areas below), competitions will be mixed in the poule round only. This is summarised in the table below.
Competition Format
Female Fencers
6 or more
Male Fencers
Female only comp.
mixed poules mixed DE
mixed poules mixed DE
mixed poules mixed DE
mixed poules mixed DE
mixed poules mixed DE
mixed poules mixed DE
mixed poules mixed DE
mixed poules mixed DE
mixed poules mixed DE
mixed poules mixed DE
mixed poules mixed DE
mixed poules M/F DE
mixed poules M/F DE
mixed poules M/F DE
mixed poules mixed DE
mixed poules mixed DE
mixed poules mixed DE
mixed poules M/F DE
mixed poules M/F DE
mixed poules M/F DE
6 or more
Male only comp.
mixed poules mixed DE
mixed poules mixed DE
mixed poules mixed DE
mixed poules M/F DE
mixed poules M/F DE
separate M/F Comp.
A "B" elimination tableau may be fenced off at the discretion of the Directoire Technique where there are 13 or more fencers. The B tableau is formed from all fencers who lose their first direct elimination bout (in the round of 16/32).
Direct elimination bouts in Under-11, Under-13 and Veterans events will be competed to 10 hits, all other direct elimination bouts will be competed to 15 hits.
In Veteran events, a handicap will be awarded at the beginning of each bout to each fencer based on their age as at the date of the competition as follows:
- For fencers aged 50-59 - 1 hit (pools); 2 hits (DE)
- For fencers aged 60-69 - 2 hits (pools); 4 hits (DE)
- For fencers aged 70-79 - 3 hits (pools); 6 hits (DE)
- For fencers aged 80-89 - 4 hits (pools); 8 hits (DE)
On-piste weight (Foil/Epee) and travel (Epee) tests will be compulsory at all Open events and age-based State Championships at the direct elimination round.
Individual competitors will fence off for third and fourth places.
Where there is a B elimination tableau, third and fourth places will be awarded based on rankings at the semi-final stage of the B tableau.
Except in a B tableau, the number of medals awarded will be determined by the number of fencers entering the DE round as follows:
- 3 fencers or less - Gold medal to winner only
- 4 or 5 fencers - Gold and Silver medals only
- 6 or more fencers - Gold, Silver and Bronze medals awarded
In a B tableau, a Gold medal will be awarded for the First place only
Medals will not be awarded for gender positions if the DE rounds were not as separated by gender - i.e. in the case of a Mixed Poules/Mixed DE competition, medals will only be awarded according to final classification and no gender specific medals will be presented. However, a Certificate of Classification will be awarded to the minority gender fencer who is placed highest at the conclusion of the DE rounds.
Event Timing Conflicts
Where an individual is entered in two competitions and they overlap in timing, the fencer must inform the Directoire Technique before the commencement of the roll call of the second competition which event they wish to complete. Where no nomination is made, the Directoire Technique will deem the fencer to have withdrawn from the later event, without further consultation with the fencer.
Team Events
No event will be conducted if less than three teams are present.
Teams Competitions will be conducted in a manner to be determined by the Directoire Technique on the day. However, generally the format will be a pool unique (round robin) where there are 5 or less teams present. Where there are 6 or more teams present, there will be pools of 3-5 teams, and medals will be decided by a further match between the first and second seeded teams (Gold/Silver) and if necessary the third and fourth seeded teams (Bronze).
Unless otherwise indicated, Team Events are OPEN Competitions and the Equipment Rules pertaining to OPEN competitions will apply.
For Team Events, a Gold medal will be awarded to each member of the winning team.
If 5 or 6 Teams compete in the same event, a Silver medal will also be awarded to each member of the second place team.
If 7 or more Teams compete in the same event, a Silver medal will also be awarded to each member of the second place team and a Bronze medal will also be awarded to each member of the third placed team.
School Team Events
Schools Events follow the rules above for Team Events, with some additional requirements:
Teams may be mixed gender. If three or more entries of each gender are received, the event will be split by gender. Otherwise, teams will fence each other, mixed or single-sex.
All team members must come from the same school (but not necessarily the same campus).
(Excerpt from the Fencing Victoria Procedures Manual, passed by Council on 21 Oct 2009 and as amended)
Heat Policy for Competitions
The Fencing Victoria Heat Policy is attached in a PDF below
Podium Standards
SCHOOLS LEAGUE COMPETITIONS - Fencers must wear EITHER School approved clothing (jacket/polo/sports top or as mandated by the respective school) OR fencing whites (Jacket) zip done up.
FENCING VICTORIA COMPETITIONS - Fencers must wear EITHER Club or State approved clothing. If a fencer is not able to present in these approved clothing items, they may wear fencing whites, breeches & jacket with the jacket zip done up.
These standards are effective May 6 2019