This Application for Player Exemption - Playing up an Age Level form is to be submitted for each player who is below the minimum age, as outlined below, prior to competing in the relevant competition.
Minimum ages (as per 4.7(b) of the AFL NSW/ACT Regulations 2018) are:
SENIORS (Mens and Womens) - sixteen (16) years of age
JUNIORS (U/17s) - fifteen (15) years of age
JUNIORS (U/14s) - twelve (12) years of age
NB: age is as of the date of the subject game.
For the AFL North West NSW Junior competitions, applications will be considered for players aged 12, 13 and 14 for the U/17s competition, and for players aged 10 and 11 for the U/14s competition.
Forms must be submitted to the League Secretary and approved by the League prior to that player participating in a game.
Once this applicaiton for approval for an underage player signed by a parent is received at a Club, that child can play provisionally for up to seven (7) days at the Club discretion pending League approval.
Players that are competing in the Senior divisions subject to an underage player exemption must wear green armbands as provided to each Club. The wearing of these armbands in the Junior divisions is at coach or parent discretion, with consideration to the age, build and experience of each player.