Rules and Regulations

9th Australian Masters Games

FIFA Rules shall apply subject to the competition rules below.

Teams (11-a-side)
 Each team can nominate, on the match card, sixteen (16) registered players for any 11-a-side game.
 If a team has less than eight (8) registered team members on the pitch for any 11-a-side game at the starting time, it will forfeit the game.

The 11-a-side games will have a duration of eighty (80) minutes (2 equal periods of 40 minutes). The 7-a-side games will have a duration of forty (40) minutes (2 equal periods of 20 minutes). There will be no additional time for stoppages.

 There will be unlimited interchange by either team at any time when the ball is out of play, at the referee's discretion, and following a signal from the referee. The referee may refuse any request for an interchange if he/she believes that permitting the interchange at that time will give an unfair advantage or if a series of interchanges is unduly delaying or interrupting the flow of the game. Interchanges are to be made at the half way line only.
 Each team is to nominate a Captain before the match begins.

Teams (7-a-side)
 Each team can nominate, on the match card, twelve (12) registered players for any 7-a-side game.
 If a team has less than five (5) registered team members on the pitch for a 7-a-side game at the starting time, it will forfeit the game.
 Unlimited interchange applies as above.
 Each team is to nominate a Captain before the match begins.

 Each team must provide at least one (1) official for the game if an assistant referee is not available.
 All officials should possess a good understanding of the rules.

 The Referee will have sole discretion as to disciplinary action against rough or unsporting conduct on the field.
 Team officials are responsible for the conduct of their players and must withdraw any player who is unwilling to play in the intended spirit: fun and fellowship.
 If a player is given a red card (sent off) the player shall receive a minimum suspension of one game.
 Any player who has been sent off (red card) for the second time during the competition will be required to appear before the judiciary to determine a penalty. The maximum penalty will be suspension for the remainder of the competition.

Offences Careless or reckless play or using excessive force in a tackle will not be tolerated and punished by the referee according to FIFA policy.

Offensive, insulting or abusive language or gestures will not be tolerated and punished by the referee according to FIFA policy.
All players who are involved in fighting will be shown the red card and sent off immediately.

Any team playing a suspended, unregistered or underage player will forfeit the game.

Strip and team sheets All teams must nominate a Home" and "Alternative" strip.
In case of a clash of strip colours, the Away team changes. The Away team is the team named second in the draw.
Team Managers have the right to request verification as to the identity of any player on the team sheet.
Every team must complete a team sheet. Names are to be printed. All players' names that are expected to play in that game must be on the team sheet prior to kick-off; including those players expected to arrive late. The team sheet must be signed and handed to the referee prior to the kick off.

Disciplinary Committee
 The Disciplinary Committee will be appointed by the Organising Committee and will be authorised to sanction any breach refereed to them by the Investigations Officer.
 The Disciplinary Committee shall appoint a Chairperson and the quorum shall be two persons.
 Any player or official expelled from a game may be summoned to attend the Disciplinary Committee on the same day as the offence, at a time specified by the Organising Committee.
 The Disciplinary Committee will be responsible for:
o Sanctioning serious infringements which have escaped the match officials' attention;
o Sanctioning other infringements which have been reported by/to the match officials;
o Extending the duration of a match suspension incurred automatically by an exclusion.
 The decision of the Disciplinary Committee shall be final and binding on all parties, and is not subject to an appeal.

Competition details
 The soccer competition will run for eight days, with competition being from approximately 9:00am to 5:00pm
 The competitions will be round robin and followed by a series of elimination finals.
 Some grades are classified as elite and social.
 Elite teams are those with international, national or state experience.
 Social teams are those who participate, or have participated at the local competition level.
 The organisers reserve the right to elevate any team from Social grade to Elite Grade.
 Points will be awarded as follows:
o Win 3 points
o Score draw 2 points
o Scoreless draw 1 point
o Loss 0 points
 In the case of teams being equal on points at the end of the round robin stage, positions will be resolved based on the following:
o Goal difference
o Goals scored
o Head to head result
o Coin flip
 If scores are level at the end of a finals game, the result will be decided by kicks from the penalty spot, in accordance with FIFA rules.
 7-a-side competition only: There is no offside in this competition. Goals cannot be scored from inside the goal area (6 yard box - the goal area) by the offensive team. However, offensive players may enter and play the ball inside the goal area.

 Match balls will be provided, however it is the responsibility of each participating team to bring their own practice/warm up balls.
 The competition venue is not available as a practice facility outside of the competition times.

Age Policy
All competitors will comply with the stipulated age as outlined in the Sports Entry Forms. All competitors agree to provide photographic proof of age.

For Soccer (soccer), the minimum age is 30 for women and 35 for men. Age is determined at 31 December 2003.

Blood rule policy
 In the event of a player suffers an injury or wound which results in the loss of blood, the appointed match official will request that the injured player receive attention outside the field of play.
 Only when the appointed match official is satisfied that the injury or wound has been safely covered and contained, will the player be permitted to rejoin the game.
 In the event the player's uniform or attire is splattered with blood, the referee will instruct the player to change his attire before being permitted to rejoin the game.
 Should the injured player be required to change his uniform, then the appointed match official will show discretion in allowing the player to wear an alternative numbered shirt if another shirt of the same number is not available.

Drug Policy
The 9th Australian Masters Games organising committee reserve the right to subject any registered competitor at any time during the period of the Games to a drug test for the purpose of testing for IOC banned performance enhancing substances or methods as prescribed by the Australian Sports Drug Agency.

The 9th Australian Masters Games recognises that some substances, which are classified as performance enhancing by the IOC may be used if medically prescribed and that the use of these drugs may be permitted on the provision of suitable medical evidence.

In all Soccer (soccer) the existing rules of FIFA will apply as they relate to the taking of banned substances or methods.

Medal policy
Gold, Silver and Bronze non-precious metal medals will be awarded in all sports events and age groups regardless of numbers of entrants, but subject to the competitors completing the event within the rules of the sport.

Eighteen (18) medals will be awarded for 11-a-side competitions and twelve (12) medals for 7-a-side competitions.

If it becomes necessary to collapse age groups in order to present a viable competition, the awarding of medals will not be affected. Placegetters in each age group will be presented with medals regardless of their placing within a collapsed competition.