League players career statistics since 1976

League Men Career Statistics 2005W to 2025D

Games played and points scored for all players who have played a game of League ball from the 2005 Wet (Challenge season)to the 2023 Dry (Championship season). Updated 25February 2025.

League Women Career Statistics 2005W to 2025D

Games played and points scored by all who have played a League game from 2005W to 2025D. Updated 25 February 2024.

League Highlights from 1976-2025 Dry

Scoring records for individuals/teams/clubs, end of season awards and other highlights of each season since 1976. Updated 25 February 2025.

League Seasonal Point Leaders 1976 to 2025D

Listing of all men and women scoring leaders for each competition since 1976. Wet and Dry (Challenge & Championship) seasons. Updated 25February 2025.

Key for info about Player Stats

Updated 5 December 2017

League Men Career Statistics 1976-2004D

This is a big file...please be patient when downloading.  It takes about 30seconds to a minute.


League Women Career Statistics 1976-2004D

Updated July 2011

Please be patient when downloading..this is a large file..30 seconds to a minute

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