Position Vacant - Finance Manager

Darwin Basketball Association - Finance Manager

The DBA is seeking a dynamic and experienced person for the above full-time position.

The successful candidate will be required to manage all daily financial operations. Suitable candidates shall have work experience in finance and/or suitable tertiary qualifications, knowledge of MYOB and other computer programs, good management, communication, organisational and interpersonal skills.

Duties may extend outside ordinary working hours on some occasions.

For a copy of the position description and any further information, please contact the DBA Executive Officer, Mr. Allan Hilzinger on 08 8945 4666 or at darbball@bigpond.net.au

Applications are accepted by either mail or email and close COB Friday April 3rd 2009

Written applications should be addressed to;
DBA Executive Officer
Darwin Basketball Association
PO Box 42442
Casuarina NT 0811


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