LOCAL COMPETITION NEWS - Information for 2023

Our 2022 primary and junior Competitions are now complete. What a huge year it has been! Well done to all teams and Congratulations to those who finished off the season competing in the Grand Finals.

This season, you would have noticed that we have grown in numbers, we have also received many enquiries from new teams wanting to join the competitions for next year. This means that our available spaces will fill up quickly. For those teams wishing to return, the team entry forms will be opened on Friday 16th Dec. Be sure to read the information on the team entry thoroughly to ensure a smooth process and that it is completed correctly. All team contacts must be aged 18 or over.

Team entry fees for next season have not changed, however there will be a slight increase in the weekly court fees.

2023 Court fees

Grade 1 and 2 = $75

Primary (grades 3-6) = $80

Junior (high school) = $85


Things to consider when planning your teams for next year:

Primary, Junior and u21 Teams require a minimum of 6 players to be eligible to enter a competition and a maximum of 9 players can be listed for the season. Players can only be on ONE TEAM LIST for the evening. However, to avoid forfeits, an eligible player from another team may be used to bring the team total number of players for that game to 5. Permission needs to be given to allow this, contact the office 99806255 and email info@hkbaspiders.com.au as soon as the need is identified. Any late additions to the team that do not have prior permission as mentioned above will need to see the venue supervisor before playing. (A team that has 5 or more players for their game is not able to use a player from another team to fill in for that game)

If you have Representative players playing in your team it may change the competition that you can enter:

When a team is playing in their school grade/year the maximum number of rep players is 2 e.g a team of grade 4 players has entered the grade 4 competition they have 2 rep players, this is the maximum they can have. No other rep players of any grade are allowed.

If the same team of grade 4 players has 3 Rep players they will need to move up one school grade in this case they will need to enter the grade 5 competition. No other rep players of any grade are allowed.

If the same team of grade 4 players has 4+ rep players they will need to move up two school grades in this case they will need to enter the grade 6 competition.

(the above scenarios apply to all age groups)

(2 Development players may be used instead of 1 rep player for example the team of grade 4 players may play with 1 rep player and 2 development players total when playing in the grade 4 competitition)

When the rep players in the team are of different school grades we apply a point system with the total points allowed for a team = 6. All rep players are considered as equal for this system however we will place a team in an appropriate division taking into consideration the level of the rep players and the competition that they have entered.

A rep player playing in their school grade = 3 points

A rep player playing up one school grade = 2 points

A rep player playing up two school grades= 1 point

A development player playing in their school grade = 1.5 points

A development player playing up one school grade = 1 point

A development player playing up 2 grades is not counted in the calculation.


We are looking forward to seeing you back on the courts next year.

For any enquiries email: info @hkbaspiders.com.au


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Stack Team App is a platform that allows teams and social groups to improve communication by creating their own smartphone app.

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