2023 Spiders Coaching Appointments

HKBA are pleased to announce the appointment of Coaching Directors and Head Coaches for the 2023 Representative Season. Congratulations to all our Coaches!




Coaching Director Spiders Boys - Michael D'Agostino 

Under 12B1 Matt Arnot
Under 12B2 Nicholas Choi
Under 12B3 Lachlan Arnot
Under 14B1 Rowan Choi
Under 14B2 Richard Gooderham
Under 14B3 Mark Turnbull
Under 16B1 Will Bagot
Under 16B2 James Cannon
Under 18B1 Ben Fricke
Under 18B2 Richard McHutchison
YLM1 Michael D'Agostino
YLM2 Peter Byrne


Coaching Director Spiders Girls - Rachel Maenpaa

Under 12G1 Julianne Stanton
Under 12G2 Marion Onida
Under 14G1 Chris Varcoe
Under 14G2 TBA
Under 16G1 Jenny Dean
Under 16G2 TBA
Under 18G1 Rachel Maenpaa
Under 18G2 Reggie Enriquez
YLW1 Sarah Cherry           





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