(3rd March 2022)
The Wanneroo Basketball Association wishes to update our members on the current COVID situation relating to basketball now that the Directions for the Level 2 Restrictions have been published.
We understand this has been a confusing and anxious time for our members. We have dealt with conflicting advice, insufficient information and rapidly changing guidelines. We thank you all for your patience and understanding.
As COVID-19 case numbers inevitably increase the Department of Health’s focus will be on contract tracing high-risk settings, e.g. Residential Aged Care Facilities, remote Aboriginal communities, etc.
The health department has indicated it does not have the capacity to contract trace all close contacts during this phase.
Based on the Health Department definitions it is highly unlikely that there would be a close contact within a sporting game or event as the relevant thresholds would not be met. To maintain this, we ask that you encourage the following for all games and trainings for community basketball:
- Everyone must wear a mask at all times indoors unless they are actively playing/training, refereeing or coaching on court.
- Note that this now includes children in Year 3 to 6 as well as everybody aged 12 and over
- Training times are limited to no more than 90 minutes per session
- People come in and out of indoor settings for their games and training and do not linger within the stadium before and after their training or game
It is more likely that close contacts would come into play in settings off the sporting arena – for example; change rooms or eating with teammates following a game etc. and you should encourage people to play their game or train and then leave the stadium where possible. However, if you do train or play together for more than 2 hours in an indoor space you could be deemed a close contact if a known positive case arises.
The Department of Health have stressed the application of the above definitions even in the ‘contact’ sport setting. So, despite the level of contact within a sport, if participants do not meet the above definitions, they are not deemed close contacts.
The Health Department are asking all of us to take this seriously and follow the advice:
- If you are displaying symptoms of COVID-19 get tested
- If you test positive to a RAT test you MUST report this to the Department of Health
- If you test positive and are comfortable with doing so, advise the Association/Club you played/trained in within the previous 48 hours, which will assist us to keep our broader community informed.
- Wear a face mask when required which is at all times in basketball stadiums unless you are playing or training – this is for all people in Year 3 and above
- Practice physical distancing
- Practice good personal hygiene
- Use the ServiceWA app or SafeWA app to check in at all venues
If you are notified that you are close contact, we ask that you follow the advice of government to protect the safety of those around you.
Please also note that the Level 2 State Government Directions were released last night and state there is a maximum capacity for indoor community sport. This will be subject to the 2sqm rule and capped at 150 people PER undivided indoor space. This includes players/officials but not stadium staff. As such to allow our operations to proceed, the WBA will be enforcing a one spectator per player rule for all trainings and games.
Games and Training
- 1 spectator per participant
- We ask that you please only enter the stadium 10 minutes prior to your game or training starting and that you leave the stadium immediately after finishing.
- Everyone must wear a mask at all times indoors unless they are actively playing/training, refereeing or coaching on court.
- Note that this now includes children in Year 3 to 6 as well as everybody aged 12 and over.
- Coaches are now free to remove their mask while coaching on court only but must wear at all other times.
* The above information may change at any time pending further venue or State Government announcements or restrictions.
We will continue to provide information as it comes to hand, and we thank you for your patience and understanding.
- It is highly unlikely you would be considered a close contact within a sporting game.
- If you are displaying symptoms of COVID-19 get tested
- If you test positive to a RAT test you MUST report this to the Department of Health
- If you test positive and are comfortable with doing so, advise the Association/Competition you played/trained in within the previous 48 hours, which will assist us to keep our broader community informed.
- 150 patrons maximum per space – i.e., Courts 1-4 in HBF is 1 space.
- 1 x Spectator per player at all training and games in all venues
- Everyone must wear a mask at all times indoors unless they are actively playing/training, refereeing or coaching on court.
- Note that this now includes children in Year 3 to 6 as well as everybody aged 12 and over.
- Coaches are now free to remove their mask while coaching on court only but must wear at all other times.
For more information please visit –
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