CLUB COACH COURSE (formerly Level 1) on Saturday 21st January

This one day accredited course caters for:
- School basketball coaches and teachers
- University students participating in sports education programs/courses
- Local competition and representative team coaches
- Parents/siblings and new coaches
Upon completing this course participants will have gained a better understanding and also practical experience teaching and coaching basketball.

This is a hands on practical course with participants practising:
- How to effectively teach skills to individuals, small and large groups
- Break downs for teaching individual offensive and defensive skills
- Teaching team offensive and defensive structures
- Making game preparation part of your training session
- Game coaching strategies, considerations and communication
- Diagramming, writing training plans and season planning
- Duty of care and safe coaching

Date - Saturday 21st January 2023
Times - 9.00am to 3.00pm (arrive 8:45am)
Course Venue - The Brickpit Sports Stadium 1A Dartfiord Road Thornleigh
To register for this course click here


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Create A Team App Account.

Stack Team App is a platform that allows teams and social groups to improve communication by creating their own smartphone app.

Create A Team/Club