COVID Update Season 2 2021

Important Notice:


13th September 2021


Covid Update


As you would be aware the Riverina region was able to come out of lockdown last week, be it with a number of restrictions still in place.


Unfortunately, one of the continued restrictions is Community Sport is not yet able to recommence. This means there will be no basketball competitions at the current time while we await further direction.


The NSW Office of Sport and Basketball NSW are in ongoing discussions to better understand the way forward and what the timelines will look like. As soon as we get updates we will provide these to the basketball community.


We understand that there will be a number of questions about whether competitions will recommence and what this will look like. At the current time these are difficult questions to answer, and we ask that you continue to be patient. The current season that we are in is due to be completed in December which still provides plenty of opportunity to get back on court if restrictions are lifted.


Lauren Jackson Sports Centre


For your information, Albury City Council has communicated to the Association that Lauren Jackson Sports Centre will remain closed and not accessible to the community at the current time.


In the event this changes, and the facility opens for smaller group training or public usage (groups of 20 or less under the current restrictions) we will communicate this to the ABA members.


Thank you again for your understanding. As a region we are particularly fortunate to have the freedoms we were afforded last week by comparison to many other LGA’s however we need to be aware the Covid environment can change very quickly, and we will do our best to keep pace with these changes at all times.



Albury Basketball Association Board


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