BNSW Free School holiday online Basketball Festival

Looking for something different for the School Holidays?

Basketball NSW is excited to announce that registrations are now open for their first ever FREE ONLINE BASKETBALL FESTIVAL.

They have 20 interactive, online basketball filled sessions spanning four days from Monday 20th September till Thursday 23rd September. These sessions are aimed at children of all ages and abilities along with specific sessions for coaches, officials and interested parents. 

Every session will range from 30-45 minutes and will have a number of special guests join in on the fun to help steer the interactive activities and answer any questions you may have. It is the perfect fun and informative activity for your children to participate in during the school holidays and especially during lockdown. 

Remember that all interested participants need to register their details so that a Zoom link can be sent and that prize packs can be sent to winners.  Do you have any questions you’d like to ask our guests?  Please email them in advance to:

For full Schedule information click here

To register click here




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