Local Competition Semi and Grand Finals

As we head into our Semi Final and Grand Final weeks please remember:

Players must have played 40% of your games to be eligible to play in Semi Finals 



(U) next to a Player name means registration has expired and the player needs to re register prior to the game to be allowed to play 

Managers please check with any Players who have been writing their names on the team sheet (that are not printed on the sheet)  have paid their Compulsory annual individual registration. Remember this registration is in addition to any monies paid to your club (if part of one)

As well as Semi Finals we will play as many playoff games as Court space allows, so even if not top of your division please check the draw

Good Luck to all Teams for the rest of this season

For any enquiries email: vicki.dean@hkbaspiders.com 



Comment Guidelines: The SportsTG Network is made up of players, families and passionate sports followers like you who have a strong opinion about sport. That's great - we want you to have your say and share your thoughts with the world. However, we have a few rules that you must follow to keep it fun for all. Please don't be rude, abusive, swear or vilify others. Apart from some pretty serious sport sanctions, we also can ban you and report you if things get out of hand. So play fair and have fun, and thanks for your contribution.

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